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Bro, do you even lift?

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  • Bro, do you even lift?

    As first reported by Sacramento TV news outlets KXTV and NBC affiliate KCRA, members of the Valley baseball team sprung into action after seeing a mother accidentally run over her own daughter in the parking lot. The mother was dropping off her daughter for an after school program when she accidentally hit the car in front of her, panicked and threw the auto into reverse. The rapid shift pinned her daughter under the car and rendered her immobile, all while putting her health in peril should the mother try and drive forward again.

    As soon as the players heard screams for help they raced over, with a total of 16 varsity and junior varsity members of the Valley squad combining to lift the car up while Valley coach James Millholland pulled the trapped girl out from under the car.

    "We all just ran out there as a team," varsity coach James Millholland told KCRA. "No one was saying much, and then the guys got around the car and just lifted it up. There was very little talking."

    Both Sacramento-based television networks cited reports from the hospital saying that the girl had not suffered any significant injuries, with the players’ quick thinking saving the day, and her long term health.

    "I think we did a good job. It kind of bothered me throughout school today," Valley player Jack Danho told KXTX. "It was still in my head. I was traumatized, but our quick thinking saved her life."

    While the girl involved in the incident is a fellow teenager -- she reportedly attends Laguna Creek (Calif.) High -- she hasn’t been identified or come forward yet to thank the players who helped extricate her from true peril.

    Of course, that hasn’t kept others from taking notice, with the Valley principal quick to applaud his students’ good judgment and rapid reaction of strength. Prep Rally is all too happy to join that party. Regardless of how the Valley season concludes, the members of the squad are clearly already winners.

    Pretty awesome. Hopefully she recovers quick
    Originally posted by Buzzo
    Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.


  • #2
    I bet the mother is Asian.


    • #3
      Gotta love the board when I read the story here first, before seeing it on the local news.

