Chris, what time do they close/stop serving? I go to the auction every tuesday, and wont be able to get there until 10 ish.
And you guys might try this: back when I had a job with an expense account, it was frowned upon to buy booze for yourself on the company dime. We got away with it when we had a client with us, but out of town dinners didnt get that option. I found several places that would sell me beer and list it on the tab as a "misc food item" so I could turn it in. Might ask, worst they can say is no.
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
Chris, what time do they close/stop serving? I go to the auction every tuesday, and wont be able to get there until 10 ish.
And you guys might try this: back when I had a job with an expense account, it was frowned upon to buy booze for yourself on the company dime. We got away with it when we had a client with us, but out of town dinners didnt get that option. I found several places that would sell me beer and list it on the tab as a "misc food item" so I could turn it in. Might ask, worst they can say is no.
If I was ever worried about that I would just turn in the CC receipt without the itemization.. Never got questioned on it. When I was travelling a lot, and didn't have a client dinner planned, I would often just pick up some fast food on my own dime then expense the few drinks I had at the hotel bar as my dinner.