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7 year old suspended for pretending pencil is a gun

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  • 7 year old suspended for pretending pencil is a gun

    I would have been kicked out of school permanently by the time I was 6. I was drawing cars with guns and missile launchers and all kinds of other shit in class growing up.

    A 7-year-old boy, who was suspended for two days after playing a game of make-believe with his friend, returned to school on Wednesday.

    On Friday, Christopher Marshall, a second grader at Driver Elementary School in Suffolk, Virginia and his classmate were playing with their pencils, pointing them at each other and making machine gun noises when a concerned teacher pulled them into the principals' office.

    "I got a call from Christopher's school at 12:30 on Friday," the boy's mother, Wendy Marshall, 34, a stay-at-home mother of five, told Yahoo! Shine. "His teacher told me that Christopher and his friend were playing with pencils, making machine gun and 'bang bang' noises. I asked if they were pointing the pencils at anyone else, if they were angry or hostile, disrupting class, or refused to stop when asked and the teacher said no. I told her that I would speak to Christopher but his teacher said she was under obligation to report them anyway."

    Wendy immediately picked up her son from school and when she got there, the principal explained that due to the school's zero tolerance policy against weapons or anything that resembles a weapon, Christopher would be suspended on Monday and Tuesday, allowed to return on Wednesday.

    Bethanne Bradshaw, a spokesperson for Suffolk Public Schools could not be reached for comment but according to a report from Fox43 she said, "A pencil is a weapon when it is pointed at someone in a threatening way and gun noises are made" and that "Some children would consider it threatening, who are scared about shootings in schools or shootings in the community. Kids don't think about 'Cowboys and Indians' anymore, they think about drive-by shootings and murders and everything they see on television news every day." According to the Suffolk News-Herald, the school had received hundreds of emails and on one day fielded about 75 phone calls per hour regarding the matter. Bradshaw wrote in an email to the paper that the reaction to the incident was overwhelming. “Opinions were very strong and mean-spirited, and often included abusive language and profanity.”

    "I told the principal that Christopher's father is an ex-Marine and he was just emulating his dad," said Wendy. "Apparently the students were told at the beginning of the year that they couldn't pretend that objects were guns—there are only four weeks left in school. How could they remember that? Kids need to be reminded to bathe and brush their teeth. Besides, they were just being boys. The disciplinary report will be on Christopher's record forever." The report, below, was provided by the Marshall family.

    Wendy took her son home and asked him to explain what happened. "He was shaking with fear and didn't understand why he was in trouble," she said. "So we reenacted the scene and I told him that he did nothing wrong."

    Christopher's father alerted the local news station and Wendy and Christopher spent the next two days eating ice cream, playing Mario Go Kart on Wii, and cleaning the house. "I let him drink soda too," she says. "I'm not going to punish him."

    Wendy did not want to identify Christopher's friend but she says she believes he got a similar punishment. "I would understand the school's point better if the kids were older and they were being hostile toward each other," she says. "But these kids were laughing and playing and Christopher is being made into an example, which isn't right."

  • #2
    Ok, that's just messed up.

    Better ban army men!
    Originally posted by Buzzo
    Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



    • #3
      Originally posted by talisman View Post
      I would have been kicked out of school permanently by the time I was 6. I was drawing cars with guns and missile launchers and all kinds of other shit in class growing up.
      X2 I also used to be into comic books and can draw them fairly well, me and a buddy would create characters and a ton of them had weapons and what not. This is crazy BS!


      • #4
        I remember drawing a highly detailed AK47 when I was in 4th grade. My teacher thought it was exceptional. I use to draw war scenes on sheets of paper and then tape them together, by the end of the year I had a huge ass scroll. I still have one of them actually.
        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


        • #5
          That's fucked up.


          • #6
            Originally posted by CJ View Post
            I remember drawing a highly detailed AK47 when I was in 4th grade. My teacher thought it was exceptional. I use to draw war scenes on sheets of paper and then tape them together, by the end of the year I had a huge ass scroll. I still have one of them actually.
            Pics or GTFO


            • #7
              Originally posted by talisman View Post
              I would have been kicked out of school permanently by the time I was 6. I was drawing cars with guns and missile launchers and all kinds of other shit in class growing up.
              Wait.... are you making this post about YOU???

              Sorry, just had to.


              • #8
                .....and I can't get my kid's school to revoke his fucking internet privileges for repeatedly trying to hack shit on their intranet.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CJ View Post
                  I remember drawing a highly detailed AK47 when I was in 4th grade. My teacher thought it was exceptional. I use to draw war scenes on sheets of paper and then tape them together, by the end of the year I had a huge ass scroll. I still have one of them actually.
                  I can't draw or doodle to save my life. I would truly rather take notes, that's how awful I am.
                  Originally posted by Buzzo
                  Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                  • #10
                    we played "guns" for a solid 3 summers... we all had tons of real looking water and cap guns.

                    it was essentially neighborhood laser tag on the honor system. we also took hostages, etc.

                    we played that shit 6hrs a day 7 days a week in the summer


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                      we played "guns" for a solid 3 summers... we all had tons of real looking water and cap guns.

                      it was essentially neighborhood laser tag on the honor system. we also took hostages, etc.

                      we played that shit 6hrs a day 7 days a week in the summer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                        we played "guns" for a solid 3 summers... we all had tons of real looking water and cap guns.

                        it was essentially neighborhood laser tag on the honor system. we also took hostages, etc.

                        we played that shit 6hrs a day 7 days a week in the summer
                        Afuckingmen! Let's play guns was always the first option!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                          we played "guns" for a solid 3 summers... we all had tons of real looking water and cap guns.

                          it was essentially neighborhood laser tag on the honor system. we also took hostages, etc.

                          we played that shit 6hrs a day 7 days a week in the summer
                          Same here, We lived in a cul de sac when I was that age. Every morning a bunch of us would gather in my neighbors yard and lay out our arsenal. Then we would take turns picking 2 to 3 guns each, break into two teams and divide the aria in half and kill each other for the rest of the day. Epic battles where fought on Huckleberry Ct. Long bloody epic battles.
                          Shit now a days we would have been rounded up and arrested for being a terrorist group, well all except for Ben, he was black.


                          • #14
                            It's about keeping the kids safe Eric! Don't you want to keep the kids safe?!?


                            • #15
                              Zero tolerance and zero common sense... WTF is this world coming to?

