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DPD's finest response to armed robbery/shots fired

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  • #61
    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
    Damn dude, you really are off the deep end when it comes to authority, aren't you??
    Not at all. When police claim to have authority, have exemptions in most laws to protect them and allow them to commit acts that would result in anyone else getting ticketed or arrested while donning the cloak of public servant, they should be held to a higher standard. When they fail in their job, the punishment should be severe. 90 minutes to respond to a shooting because dispatcher fucked up? Dispatcher fired. Police were having lunch while it was going on (love that one on Youtube) and they keep eating while claiming to be enroute? Not only fired but charged and put in jail. The cop that can't be fired? The bad cops that keep their jobs? They should be behind bars and not pulled off duty on a desk for a bit until the heat blows over. The cops who shot up that woman's truck thinking 2 Asian chicks were a large black guy? Should all be charged with gun crimes and locked up. Same with the ones that T boned a truck and then opened fire into the cab. Charged with assault with a deadly weapon and opening fire on a citizen.

    And I do know how the system works. I make it a point to understand it.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #62
      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      Not at all. When police claim to have authority, have exemptions in most laws to protect them and allow them to commit acts that would result in anyone else getting ticketed or arrested while donning the cloak of public servant, they should be held to a higher standard. When they fail in their job, the punishment should be severe. 90 minutes to respond to a shooting because dispatcher fucked up? Dispatcher fired. Police were having lunch while it was going on (love that one on Youtube) and they keep eating while claiming to be enroute? Not only fired but charged and put in jail. The cop that can't be fired? The bad cops that keep their jobs? They should be behind bars and not pulled off duty on a desk for a bit until the heat blows over. The cops who shot up that woman's truck thinking 2 Asian chicks were a large black guy? Should all be charged with gun crimes and locked up. Same with the ones that T boned a truck and then opened fire into the cab. Charged with assault with a deadly weapon and opening fire on a citizen.

      And I do know how the system works. I make it a point to understand it.
      The bad ones should be held accountable. I'll totally agree with you there.

      But why must you look at every thing from a "glass half empty" POV? It is a rarity, if ever, that you actually acknowledge good police work.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
        You evidently didn't read the cases or know what they covered. The cases covered were fun things like

        1. Dispatcher said police were on their way while someone was kicking in the woman's door. Police never showed and she was raped and killed.

        2. Woman took out protection order against her ex. When her ex took her children, she reported it and asked police to do something. Despite the protection order, police said there was nothing they could do. The man cut the kids up in the back of his truck and drove to the police station and opened fire on them.

        Want more? None of it was over a bike or a burglary. It was over police expressly not doing their job. You know, the thing that is emblazoned across most squad cars? "To Serve and Protect."

        I did read it. You seem to be missing a few things from your version as well. This case was argued in 1981. I would only assume that if there was a better way to address Police action it would have come to light.

        The points I made were valid. Who draws the line where the duty to protect and serve begins/ends? Like I said, you could say it's the police's fault that your home was burglarized. Or you were assaulted in a bar.

        We get 911 hang ups all the time. Half the time all we have are coordinates. We check the area but unless someone flags us down or there is an obvious sign something happened, we can't spend two-three hours going door to door in a five block radius asking if the resident called 911. But you are saying that if a husband killed his wife after the 911 hang up, we would be liable.

        I've said it before and I might as well say it again. I will not blindly back someone just because they are a cop. If they mess up I'll be the first to say so.
        2007 Chevy TBSS


        • #64
          hi, i just got here, did i getskull fucked by the klan in this thread?

          :wowza: !!
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #65
            Originally posted by JamisonFRC View Post
            I did read it. You seem to be missing a few things from your version as well. This case was argued in 1981. I would only assume that if there was a better way to address Police action it would have come to light.

            The points I made were valid. Who draws the line where the duty to protect and serve begins/ends? Like I said, you could say it's the police's fault that your home was burglarized. Or you were assaulted in a bar.

            We get 911 hang ups all the time. Half the time all we have are coordinates. We check the area but unless someone flags us down or there is an obvious sign something happened, we can't spend two-three hours going door to door in a five block radius asking if the resident called 911. But you are saying that if a husband killed his wife after the 911 hang up, we would be liable.

            I've said it before and I might as well say it again. I will not blindly back someone just because they are a cop. If they mess up I'll be the first to say so.
            No, I'm saying when a citizen is told "We're on our way" and police never show, police and dispatch should be punished. When a protection order is in place, it should be enforced. IF it's not, the ones who made the promise they would (the police issuing the order) then there should be repercussions. If there's a shooting and it takes 90 minutes for police to arrive, there should be repercussions.

            Period. Full stop. Cops are paid to do a job that the Supreme Court has said they don't actually have to do.

            And Matt, I also do not post up when other people do the job they're paid to do. I don't post when a baker gets a cake right, when a unit returns from a patrol in Afghanistan without issue, or when a firefighter puts out a fire without problem. Excellence, or at the very least, competence, is what is expected. When there's a failure, I put it up. You eating a donut? Not a story. You forcing a box of Krispy Kremes down a suspect's throat resulting in their death? A story.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #66
              A few things about this topic:

              It's always easy to sit back and read what the media reports at face value and get al mad about it. There are a multitude of variables that come into play in these situations and getting all mad at one variable is asinine.

              A lot of what you're getting mad about is law oriented, the cops didn't write the laws. You want to get mad, get mad at the lawmakers. Everything these days is anti-lawsuit oriented.

              It's Dallas for goodness sakes. You're dealing with a massive citty and only a set amount of funding. Cops can't be everywhere at once, it's just not possible. I'm not justifying response times, as I was robbed, or it was an attempted robbery as we caught the guy, and it took DPD an hour to get there. I think that was ridiculous, but they can't be everywhere at once.

              Stop sitting behind keyboards and do something. A handful of yall just bitch and moan about cops all the time. You want laws to change, get involved with politics. You want more cops on the streets for faster response times, donate your money or do fundraisers, or, again, get involved with politics so as to increase police funding. Anybody can sit at home all day and bitch, that just makes you a keyboard warrior. You want change, step up to the plate and be a leader.

              Playing the blame game and saying all cops are bad because a few bad apples is the most ignorant thing ever. Every field of work has bad apples, that's all there is to it. I'm in the army and I know a lot of bad shit happens over seas and ppl don't get punished or when they're caught it gets brushed under the rug. Does that always happen, no, usually the stories the media gets a hold are the ones where heads roll. But there are many instances of soldiers getting away near scotch free. Once again, in these situations there are a multitude of variables that come into play. As whole soldiers are outstanding people, but there are hose bad apples that can tarnish the name there too.

              I've been on a ride along with Matt and before that met him a few times. From every interaction I've had with him he was a stand up guy. On the ride along I could tell he loved his job and helping ppl. hHe didn't just sit in an office and surf the net all day, he was out there patrolling and helping his guys. The other officers that I met when we reported to calls seemed pretty squared away as well. I figured being in a position of authority there'd be at least a couple douche bags, but that was surprisingly not the case. That's FTW and I have no experience with DPD.


              • #67
                You're under the impression I do not yell and scream at my legislators. Never make assumptions. I'm a retiree with a LOT of free time.

                As far as the military, things happen all of the time. We have our own justice system that runs with the civilian system. When was the last time you knew a cop to get fired and blacklisted for having an affair? Happens often in the Army with our officers. Well, junior officers. When a cop kicks in the wrong door and shoots your dog and face plants you in the dog blood nothing happens to the officers. Nothing. They're not fired, they aren't forced to pay for damages, nothing. The fuckers who shot up the truck thinking it was Dorner's? Nothing happened. They dumped over 100 rounds into a truck with innocent civilians. They didn't lose their jobs, will not be forced to come out of pocket for hospital bills or vehicle repairs. They will not have to answer for every round they fired that didn't hit the truck but wound up in someone's home. They won't be held responsible for hitting another truck that same day and ripping it's rear axle off and then opening fire on the windshield without verifying who was in it. Nothing.

                You talk about a 'few bad apples?' Then the good cops should be pushing unions out and calling for these bad actors to be hit with the full force of the law. Strip them of their badge and put them behind bars. That generally doesn't happen.

                Tell me again how cops are held responsible.
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

