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Going looking for a 2010 F150 this weekend..

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  • #61
    Nice truck, Matt. Congrats on getting a more manly vehicle. When you would talk about your Mazda, the dfwmustangs gaymeter would ping.


    • #62
      Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
      Nice truck, Matt. Congrats on getting a more manly vehicle. When you would talk about your Mazda, the dfwmustangs gaymeter would ping.
      I caught a lot of shit for driving that car. It was the practical side of me denying the fun side of me the pleasure of driving what I wanted, not what I needed. My family has always come first, and this is the first time I'm driving a nicer vehicle than the wife (but she has a 2008 Ford Edge).

      I had a guy at work as me "so, why are you driving the mom-mobile?"

      I once had a guy pull next to me on I20 and give me the sign.

      I've had people constantly poke fun of me, but when I spend thousands a year on Type 1 Diabetes meds/test strips/Endocrinologist appointments for my youngest son, and hockey for my oldest, it just came down to the simple fact that my needs/wants come last.

      It was time for me to live a little and get something I wanted this time.


      • #63
        Good for you man. You deserve it. I wish more people had your approach to life.


        • #64
          Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
          Good for you man. You deserve it. I wish more people had your approach to life.
          I spent $13k out of pocket for medical last year, and about $5k for hockey.

          So, at almost $20k for that alone.

          The Mazda had 3 payments of $380 left, and the truck bumped the payments up only $75/month to $455 for 60 months.

          I couldn't turn that down. I have relegated myself to the fact I will probably always have car payments because I dislike driving old vehicles.


          • #65
            I'm getting almost 23 mpg on the highway! Twice now I have gotten on the highway, and hit the reset button and set the cruise at 70 mph. I know it's not exactly accurate, but it's very promising for a new truck.


            • #66
              I hate car payments and I never buy new vehicles...well, my wife gets new, but I look for new used with low miles. Even though I can afford to pay cash for a new vehicle, I still dont like throwing away money when I can get just as good of a car for $7-10k less.


              • #67
                That's a good looking truck!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                  I hate car payments and I never buy new vehicles...well, my wife gets new, but I look for new used with low miles. Even though I can afford to pay cash for a new vehicle, I still dont like throwing away money when I can get just as good of a car for $7-10k less.
                  I just don't like the thought of someone abusing the vehicle, not performing maintenance (to my meticulous standards) or having to bring a black light to check for various bodily fluids on the surfaces.

                  That's like marrying a stripper. She might look good, but you can't tell what's been under the hood...


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by yellowstang View Post
                    That's a good looking truck!
                    Thanks, the first thing the wife said was "It looks nice, but needs bigger tires!"

                    I tend to agree, those wheel wells look HUGE!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                      Thanks, the first thing the wife said was "It looks nice, but needs bigger tires!"

                      I tend to agree, those wheel wells look HUGE!

                      They are huge! Lyn's '10 has 20's on it and you'd think they were 14's they look so little!


                      • #71
                        congrats on the truck Matt. I may be getting a new Ford truck for FREE here soon. New job oppurtunity back here in the metroplex for me that will come with a loaner. Cross fingers.

                        It is hard to believe those are 20s on the truck with that much wheel well.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                          congrats on the truck Matt. I may be getting a new Ford truck for FREE here soon. New job oppurtunity back here in the metroplex for me that will come with a loaner. Cross fingers.

                          It is hard to believe those are 20s on the truck with that much wheel well.
                          Oh, those are 18s, not 20s.

                          Text me what "job opp" you are talking about...


                          • #73
                            We were at Discount the other day to get a nail outa a tire, and they had some really tough looking black truck rims. No idea on the price, or brand, but they looked cool!


                            • #74
                              Good looking rig.


                              • #75
                                I was looking at the oil filter, and it takes the new FL500S filter, and it is mounted horizontally (which I don't like, you can't pre-fill the filter and put it on), but they have a cool drip funnel so the oil goes into your catch instead of it just oozing down the framework.

                                I was also shocked that it takes 7.7 quarts of oil.

