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Going looking for a 2010 F150 this weekend..

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  • Going looking for a 2010 F150 this weekend..

    I've had the Mazda for almost 5 years now, it's time to treat Daddy to something new.

    Looking at the 2010's so I can get the most for my buck, not that I wouldn't like a new 5.0, but I also don't like the new price tag.

    I did a credit self check, I'm sure with a 767 rating I can walk out with whatever I want.

    I've heard good things about Skip, but I've bought a F250 Powerstroke, 2 Expeditions, an Excursion, Mustang and Edge from Ennis Ford in the past. I guess it will come down to who can give me what I want for a fair price.

  • #2
    be sure and talk to Josh Purdy. loving my 2010 New Website for the off road peeps


    • #3
      My mom works for Ford. PM me if she can help you out.
      See you later...


      • #4
        matt, go see skip. i got a 2011 5.0 f150 last weekend. you CANNOT beat his price and no bullshit way of doing business. he will straight out tell you what he can sell you the truck for within 5mins of you finding one you like.

        god bless.
        It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          Give me a holler and we'll get you hooked up. 817-756-7615. 600 plus Stangers and their family/friends since 2001 can't be wrong.
          Fernando Perez
          Alijandra Perez
          Mesquite, Texas


          • #6
            I think alot of the 2010 F150's are gone. Might be slim pickens.
            2015 F250 Platinum


            • #7
              Originally posted by saleen449 View Post
              Give me a holler and we'll get you hooked up. 817-756-7615. 600 plus Stangers and their family/friends since 2001 can't be wrong.

              I called, but he hung up on me..

              Even Skip says "FTP".....


              • #8
                Another vote for Grapevine Ford....I took my time and talked to a lot of dealers, and there was just no beating the deal with Skip and his crew. Good folks to do business with!

                coming on 4 months now and just over 5000 miles, and I'm still loving this new truck!
                70' Chevelle RagTop
                (Forever Under Construction)

                "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                  I called, but he hung up on me..

                  Even Skip says "FTP".....
                  sorry I had to get off the horn....left you a me back 817-756-7615
                  Fernando Perez
                  Alijandra Perez
                  Mesquite, Texas


                  • #10
                    Another vote for Skippy, we've bought like 6 or 7 vehicles from him since 2003, can't beat his prices.


                    • #11
                      Another vote for Grapevine Ford

                      I just bought a 2011 F150 with the 5.0 two days ago from Skip and Reid! They had the best price on the truck I wanted, so we made the two hour drive from Winnsboro to buy from them!

                      On a side note, drive a new 5.0 and you will want one. I also own a 2010 F150 supercrew with the 5.4 that has custom exhaust and an Edge CS programmer on it and it is not even close to putting out the same power the new 5.0 has!!



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                        I've heard good things about Skip, but I've bought a F250 Powerstroke, 2 Expeditions, an Excursion, Mustang and Edge from Ennis Ford in the past. I guess it will come down to who can give me what I want for a fair price.
                        They will beat everyone else's price. Go see them-they're assholes, but they work a mean deal.
                        Token Split Tail

                        Originally posted by slow99
               favorite female poster strikes again.
                        Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                        You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                        • #13
                          I called my old salesman in Ennis and when I told him what Skip had told me, he gave me the old "they are just telling you that to come it. They won't give you "this" or "that" and it will end up costing you more".....

                          I'll just see what's out there. I don't "have" to have a new truck, I just want one. I can walk away if need be...

                          I make a damn good salary and have outstanding credit. I'm going to make it work for me this time and not give in to a "want"....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            I called my old salesman in Ennis and when I told him what Skip had told me, he gave me the old "they are just telling you that to come it. They won't give you "this" or "that" and it will end up costing you more".....

                            I'll just see what's out there. I don't "have" to have a new truck, I just want one. I can walk away if need be...

                            I make a damn good salary and have outstanding credit. I'm going to make it work for me this time and not give in to a "want"....
                            I've known Skip professionally for a while now, and he is probably one out of maybe 3 or 4 salesman that I've ever known that is a no bullshit kinda guy. He won't tell you something that isn't true whether you want to hear it or not. Sometimes he can come off as an ass for that, but being a cop, I'm sure that's something that you can appreciate.

                            The 2010's are great trucks and if you have any mechanical questions on them I'll be more than happy to share my experiences with them from writing service.
                            "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                              I called my old salesman in Ennis and when I told him what Skip had told me, he gave me the old "they are just telling you that to come it. They won't give you "this" or "that" and it will end up costing you more".....

                              I'll just see what's out there. I don't "have" to have a new truck, I just want one. I can walk away if need be...

                              I make a damn good salary and have outstanding credit. I'm going to make it work for me this time and not give in to a "want"....
                              stop being a fucking dumbass. check your ego and go see skip. anyone on this site that doesnt buy their new ford from him has brain herpies. or hell just tell me to fuck off and do things your way, its your money, you wanna waste it and take food outta your own kids mouth, go ahead and do it.

