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Watch where the hell you are going....

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  • Watch where the hell you are going....

    Driving back from Central/Plano area home this afternoon I was driving North on Custer into McKinney/Frisco area. Just after crossing Main/Stacey, I had to slow down fairly quickly for traffic and noticed there was an ambulance and a fire truck on the South bound side with a few cars stopped. I had to slow for the rubberneckers in front of me...

    As I approached I didn't see any damage to vehicles, but they had a guy laying down on the ground, holding his neck to support him.... and right behind him, under a Jeep Cherokee was his bike. The guy was a solo road biker out at high noon for a ride and this chick (probably on her phone/texting) rode up ran him the fuck over.

    Jeep > Biker... every time.

    Hopefully the guy will survive with no lasting injuries, but watch where the fuck you are going....

  • #2
    Saw a scene similar to that, though the dude had just gotten hit, about four weeks ago on my way to work.
    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


    • #3
      That shit happened to me in 2008. Not fun. 16 yo girl on her cell phone rear ended me. Fortunately she was in a Civic, and my bike went on top of her car, not under. I miss my RC51


      • #4
        As a cyclist (excluding the last 12 months b/c i've been lazy) this shit pisses me off.

        This just happened three days ago also:

        Barstool Sports is not a website dedicated to enlightenment, openmindedness, or empathy. Rather, it’s a caustic mix of sexism, voyeuristic thrills, misogyny, and general lunkheadedness. Still, the headline and comments that accompanied this video of a motorcyclists crashing into two road cyclists on Mulholland Drive in Southern California are, to me at least, shocking in their ignorance and callousness.

        “I Could Watch These Guys Get Demolished By A Motorcycle All Day Long On Repeat” is the headline.

        “I think about doing that every time these cocky bike fucks are riding 3 or 4 wide in front of me,” wrote runslikebledsoe.

        “Biker just stands like a boss. Meanwhile the bicyclist spine is broken. Fuck cyclist,” wrote 207guy.

        “You have no idea how much I love the video,” wrote TheCheat.

        Last week, Adventure Journal was attacked as being sensationalist when we reported on the altercation between a driver and cyclist in Beverly Hills, in which the cyclist was pinned to a dumpster by the car. Yesterday when we reported on the results of a study that showed a large percentage of drivers don’t even see cyclists, we were criticized because the study wasn’t rigorously scientific. And perhaps we’ll be criticized yet again for sharing this video.

        So be it. The roads are extremely dangerous to cyclists, and they’re only getting more so. Between distracted drivers and an increasingly vocal and radical anti-cyclist attitude, riding on pavement has become a highly risky pursuit — and one that when things go wrong heavily disfavors the cyclist. We will continue to report on motorist-cyclist interactions, we will continue to share shocking videos like this, to keep the spotlight on sad, scary, and all-too-common occurrences, in hopes that attitudes and behavior will change. Perhaps they’re already calcified into place and idiots are just idiots, and maybe I’m just naive, but confronting the reality of this ignorance seems the first best step to stop it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
          This just happened three days ago also:

          ^ damn. terrible road to ride your bicycle on with all the bikers and cars trying to go fast out there imo..


          • #6
            Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
            As a cyclist (excluding the last 12 months b/c i've been lazy) this shit pisses me off.

            This just happened three days ago also:

            Target fixation is a motherfucker.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
              ^ damn. terrible road to ride your bicycle on with all the bikers and cars trying to go fast out there imo..
              This. I don't condone a thing said in the article he quoted, and I hope the dude is okay and that's clearly on the biker, but what an awful fucking idea it is to ride there, even if you want to go on a soliloquy about how cyclists have just as much right to the road as a car or motorcycle.

              Originally posted by racrguy View Post
              Target fixation is a motherfucker.
              No kidding. You can see it happen way before the cyclists are even in frame.


              • #8
                The same as the idiot that took my friends life last December.
                70' Chevelle RagTop
                (Forever Under Construction)

                "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                  Driving back from Central/Plano area home this afternoon I was driving North on Custer into McKinney/Frisco area. Just after crossing Main/Stacey, I had to slow down fairly quickly for traffic and noticed there was an ambulance and a fire truck on the South bound side with a few cars stopped. I had to slow for the rubberneckers in front of me...

                  As I approached I didn't see any damage to vehicles, but they had a guy laying down on the ground, holding his neck to support him.... and right behind him, under a Jeep Cherokee was his bike. The guy was a solo road biker out at high noon for a ride and this chick (probably on her phone/texting) rode up ran him the fuck over.

                  Jeep > Biker... every time.

                  Hopefully the guy will survive with no lasting injuries, but watch where the fuck you are going....
                  Was this on the southbound side in front of the Racetrac or near it? I live right around there and saw a nice three car pile up when I was driving home.

                  Edit: never mind this was south of Collin-Mckinney / Craig Ranch


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AdamLX View Post
                    Was this on the southbound side in front of the Racetrac or near it? I live right around there and saw a nice three car pile up when I was driving home.

                    Edit: never mind this was south of Collin-Mckinney / Craig Ranch
                    There is a QT there (the Race Trac is on Independence), but it was probably 1mi north of there.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                      There is a QT there (the Race Trac is on Independence), but it was probably 1mi north of there.
                      You're right, I get those two on Custer mixed up. This was across from Sonic right there. Looked like a similar issue, someone slowed and got rearended at speed by a red Jeep Cherokee.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                        As a cyclist (excluding the last 12 months b/c i've been lazy) this shit pisses me off.

                        This just happened three days ago also:

                        Just to point out the obvious, the young lady in the sweat pants needs to show more skin.


                        • #13
                          Riding the bike I had a stupid bitch buried in her phone in the next lane look up realizing her lane was stopping and without a glance just moved over into me. Another reason why phones should be banned.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                            Riding the bike I had a stupid bitch buried in her phone in the next lane look up realizing her lane was stopping and without a glance just moved over into me. Another reason why phones should be banned.
                            I see your frustration and I get as pissed off as the next guy, but how are more laws going to fix it? Reckless driving is already illegal, and so is improper lane change and failing to yield right of way. Those laws didn't stop her, so would one more really do the trick?


                            • #15
                              I got rear ended yesterday in stop and go traffic. Same girl behind me for the past 10 and texting on her phone.
                              2014 GT
                              2013 FX2 ecoboost

