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Most embarrassing thing you kid has done?

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  • #31
    I don't know if I should be embarrassed or proud of this one. A friend was taking a video of my car at the last cruise at kennadale, in the background of the vid you can hear my 3 year old daughter say "daddies car looks slow"


    • #32
      Originally posted by Frank View Post
      Geez, I don't even know if I want to post what my 5 yo boy did today. I was mortified. Ever have one of those days?

      Post up the kind of thing you KNOW you raised them to know better. The kind of thing only some really weird kid would do, but no, this time its YOURS.

      I'll offer this story at least my wife said she did when she was like 3 yo in a stroller at the mall. Apparently there was a Sesame Street sign or something and she Mr. Snufflufigus. She got excited like kids do and started screaming and pointing and what came out sounded like "Mama Mama! Fucktheugliest! Fucktheugliest". Little old ladies nearby nearly keeled over dead right then.
      What did he do? Come on now. I can't offer up anything my kids did seeing as I don't havee any. But when I was in the third grade we had this mean substitute. I asked for help with something and when she went to sit down I pulled the chair out from under her. Well she started SCREAMING. Everyone in the room went silent. She didn't tell the principal so I thought I was in the clear. Boy was I wrong. Come to find out she lived a few houses down. I got the biggest ass whoopin I have had to this day.
      Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
      It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


      • #33
        Originally posted by OrangeChevyII View Post
        I farted (silently) in the line waiting to pay for groceries and my Daughter (3) called me out on it. Poor lady behind her died laughing
        Haha that is awesome.

        I was at the grocery store and reached in one of the refrigerators for something. As I came out I heard a little girl say "Mommy it stinks, did you foof?" I played it off but as soon as they turned the corner I started busting out laughing.

        It was even funnier to hear the mom blame it on me when she got to the next aisle.
        "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
        -Gerald Ford/Thomas Jefferson


        • #34
          My son and I were sitting at a stop light a few weeks ago with the windows down on the truck. A nice looking female jogger goes by and KG says "look daddy, boobies." Before I could muster a response he is yelling out the window " Big Boobies"...... He's 3.

          A few months ago we went to the FW Zoo for a few hours. On the way home we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some steaks for dinner at the grocery store.While I had my back turned looking at something a heavier set, really dark lady walks by and KG says to me " look daddy, a gorilla." The guy next to me started dying laughing. All I could come up with was. "No son, it's not."


          • #35
            My nephew and niece come over frequently and call me Sean, well now my nearly 2 year old daughter calls me Sean too. It makes it awkward in public when she starts calling me Sean and she looks just like me.


            • #36
              that was an awesome day Ben.
              Last edited by Cobraman; 04-26-2013, 10:41 AM.
              2012 GT500


              • #37
                Originally posted by Venom View Post
                My son and I were sitting at a stop light a few weeks ago with the windows down on the truck. A nice looking female jogger goes by and KG says "look daddy, boobies." Before I could muster a response he is yelling out the window " Big Boobies"...... He's 3.

                A few months ago we went to the FW Zoo for a few hours. On the way home we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some steaks for dinner at the grocery store.While I had my back turned looking at something a heavier set, really dark lady walks by and KG says to me " look daddy, a gorilla." The guy next to me started dying laughing. All I could come up with was. "No son, it's not."
                LMAO at the gorilla

