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Engagement Ring - new or used???

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  • #31
    If it's meant to be she'll be happy with whatever you decide on. The ring shouldn't influence her decision at all, if it does then you might want to keep shopping for a better fiancee.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
      Disagree. It doesn't have to be new. A diamond is a diamond. A nice stone can be recycled and set into something that is to her liking. The mark up at jewelry stores is atrocious, and the guy shouldn't have to be locked into paying diamond industry premiums to bet half of his net worth on loving her forever.
      A used stone is fine, but the setting should be something he put thought into and not because he got a "good deal." The price doesn't matter regardless, but don't just grab a ring for convenience and because it's what's there. I'm pretty sure I should've explained that a bit better at first.

      Aaron, if that's the mentality you have to wish ill on people over nothing then you're a douche.


      • #33
        Originally posted by abecx View Post
        My parents never fooled me with Tiger Electronics, I knew it wasnt a gameboy.
        a GameBro wasn't a GameBoy, tho


        • #34
          Originally posted by abecx View Post
          My parents never fooled me with Tiger Electronics, I knew it wasnt a gameboy.
          A good quality diamond is still a good quality diamond whether you pay $8k for it new at a jewelry store or $3k for it second hand.


          • #35


            • #36
              No engagement ring. I did not give one to my wife.
              I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

              Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


              • #37
                Originally posted by downshift_me View Post
                Aaron, if that's the mentality you have to wish ill on people over nothing then you're a douche.
                I'm not wishing ill on anyone, I'm simply stating what you should expect when having an entitled mentality like that, what is good for the goose is good for the gander and vice versa. If you want to start off a life-long life commitment with a set of high expectations, then you better be prepared to hold up your end of the bargain.

                In that same vein, I don't think that it's wise for a guy to buy a used ring and pass it off as new. Starting a marriage of with a lie is bad joo joo.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                  A good quality diamond is still a good quality diamond whether you pay $8k for it new at a jewelry store or $3k for it second hand.
                  You are right, I was just being semantically strict cause thats what I do

