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Engagement Ring - new or used???

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  • #16


    • #17
      Originally posted by 2000 vert View Post
      Buy the stone used, but get a new setting made. Can save a lot of money that way.
      Found the rock i want. Wheres a good place to get a decent solitaire setting?


      • #18
        Save alot of money and don't get married.


        • #19
          the ring i bought was vintage from the 1920's
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #20
            Originally posted by Big pappa pump View Post
            Save alot of money and don't get married.
            Best advice ever.


            • #21
              Originally posted by downshift_me View Post
              New and definitely not the ring you've already given to another chick before the current chick. The exception is a family heirloom type of deal.
              Disagree. It doesn't have to be new. A diamond is a diamond. A nice stone can be recycled and set into something that is to her liking. The mark up at jewelry stores is atrocious, and the guy shouldn't have to be locked into paying diamond industry premiums to bet half of his net worth on loving her forever.


              • #22
                Girl fight! Girl fight!
                THE BAD HOMBRE


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                  Disagree. It doesn't have to be new. A diamond is a diamond. A nice stone can be recycled and set into something that is to her liking. The mark up at jewelry stores is atrocious, and the guy shouldn't have to be locked into paying diamond industry premiums to bet half of his net worth on loving her forever.
                  Agreed. Hell, we had mall bought sterling silver rings for the first year. That could be due to us having a shot-gun Vegas wedding. On our 1 year, we bought rings for each other. If she loves you enough to want to be with you the rest of her life, she won't care where you got it or how much you paid for it. It's the sentiment, not the price tag.
                  Token Split Tail

                  Originally posted by slow99
         favorite female poster strikes again.
                  Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                  You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                    A diamond is a diamond.
                    Thats not true at all. All diamonds have different types of impurities that change their hue. Yellow, blue, red, pink, there are many kinds of diamonds that have different physical properties as well ( blue ones are conductive ).


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Buick355 View Post
                      x2, Fuck buying a diamond! They might last forever, But most couples these days don't! I told my spouse you will get a diamond after 10 years
                      GOD BLESS TEXAS
                      August Landscaping
                      Seb's high class.
                      He'll mow your grass.
                      He'll kick your ass.
                      And while his kidney stones pass,
                      He'll piss in a glass!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by abecx View Post
                        Thats not true at all. All diamonds have different types of impurities that change their hue. Yellow, blue, red, pink, there are many kinds of diamonds that have different physical properties as well ( blue ones are conductive ).
                        Is it any less a diamond?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by QIK46 View Post
                          i will be shopping for a diamond soon. wheres a good place to just buy a diamond? i think i want to buy the rock then have a setting made.
                          X2 wharez cheep diamonds?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by downshift_me View Post
                            New and definitely not the ring you've already given to another chick before the current chick. The exception is a family heirloom type of deal.
                            I ain't sayin she a gold digguh..


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by downshift_me View Post
                              New and definitely not the ring you've already given to another chick before the current chick. The exception is a family heirloom type of deal.
                              With that mentality, I hope that you wind up with a guy that kicks you to the curb for gaining 15lbs. If you wanna be high-maintenance and demanding, you better know that what you're bringing to the table brings the boys to the yard.

                              The depreciation on jewelry is worse than high-end autos, to buy new is to throw money out the window. I don't know that I am for buying used and telling her it's new though, I'd rather not live with that (albeit white) lie for the rest of our relationship. I'd rather sit her down and say that I am willing to spend say $10k on her set, and point out what can be had new versus new. If she's truly a badass chick, she'll pick something for 5 grand or less, and want to put the rest towards the house, vacation, etc.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                                Is it any less a diamond?
                                My parents never fooled me with Tiger Electronics, I knew it wasnt a gameboy.

