Originally posted by mustang_marc
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Ditto took me a few days to adjust to android but now I'm loving it. I also switch from having every iPhone to my new galaxsy s4
Android is a little clunky compared to ios, but after playing with it and getting a ton of Aps I like it a lot. I have a loud turbo motor rev for my text message alert, check out an ap called dredge
I downloaded an ap that makes your text message layout exactly like the iPhones even down to the smiley faces.
Pirate bay has an app, I can now boot leg directly to my phone without having to sync to the computer.
Main stream Aps I used for weather and sports and stuff are the same
The only thing I really hate is that AT&T bloated the phone with AT&T apps and crap. Of the 1.9ghz ram only 700 mb is un used out of the box.
Also the fact that there is no widget for the setting menu is annoying, you have to use the menu button at the bottom of the phone
The camera sucks in low light
The camera protrudes out of the back of the phone making it impossible to lay flat on a surface
I can't change the button layout. Double tap the home button bring up the Samsung voice, holding the home button brings up the memory menu. Opposite from iPhone
Volume buttons are on the opposite side from the iPhone, took a while for me to adjust.
iOS seemed to have a better call log and directory layout
Apps update themselves when connected to wifi, I wish the android options menu would allow restrictions for apps, instead the phone is so app happy it lets them run at free will
That's all I can think of. Nearly 90% of my problems are purely with android, if I could pay for Ios I would