one day I was out cruising in my dads car when I was 16, hitting backroads and acting a fool. I decided for no particular reason to pull the car over, put the car in neutral, set the emergency brake, high rev the motor and drop the car back down into drive. Needless to say the sound of metal pieces exploding wasn't what I expected. So here I was with a broken car with no way of fixing it nor having knowledge to do so about 10 miles from the nearest phone. Cell phones weren't really around unless you were rich and sadly I wasn't. It was a long walk, which gave me plenty of time to come up with a semi decent story, but I was freaking out. My 2 buddies that were with me didn't help matters and thought it was one of the funniest things ever, one still brings it up on occasion. Ended up towing the car home and put on a new u-joint and all was good.....except the car never ran right after
