Driving down the road and experience an idiot on the road and you hear that sweet angel voice in the back seat yell "hey jackass, you not do that right!"
This was after my 2 and a half year old and I got off of Johns CRF 230 dirt bike
The day started off with her scared to even look at the bikes. Then we rode on johns sons little 50. And she liked it. So we moved up to the 230 and she loved it! If I stopped she would say daddy go!
In Sam's with the boy and he announces, "Haha, I fart!" I whip around and tell him to shhh that's bad and we don't say that! Without missing a beat he says, "I not say bad word. I not say shit, damn or...." and I proceeded to die in Sam's while shushing him and trying not to laugh.
The girl has the best timing of, "Eww! She's/He's wearing pajamas in the store!"
In Sam's with the boy and he announces, "Haha, I fart!" I whip around and tell him to shhh that's bad and we don't say that! Without missing a beat he says, "I not say bad word. I not say shit, damn or...." and I proceeded to die in Sam's while shushing him and trying not to laugh.
The girl has the best timing of, "Eww! She's/He's wearing pajamas in the store!"
My younger brother always gets scared about coyotes when we are out huning(I know pathetic right?), so I was telling the wife about it and my daughter says "but daddy thats what the guns are for"
1. I hear my 5 yo son in the other room humming this same tune over and over that was familiar. I finally realized he had picked up on Deep Purple "Smoke on the Water" at some point.
2. My daughter is always asking me, "Daddy, will you play that song about the burning fire ring? (Johnny Cash - "Burnin' Ring of Fire") She loves to hear Johnny Cash with me in the garage.