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the state of this site

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Craizie View Post
    So what was he banned for? I don't remember reading anything too over the top.
    i guess i said that bringing up race in the bombing was not neccessary, as it wasnt, imho.

    but i digresss, having an opinion differing from STANGteam6 gets you banned now


    • #17
      I got no problem with you Nay. It's actually pretty funny to see people get worked right the fuck up over the crap you type. Sometimes you'll write something totally inappropriate, then follow it up with something that cracks me the hell up. I think the board is getting older, and more mature, and it seems most members (even my good friends - even ME) can't take a joke like they used to. This place is only entertainment value for me, so I say keep doing what you're doing.

      Originally posted by naynay View Post
      this used to be a place where you could come, find local car guys, hag out meet up, party on the weekends, meet at the track, and have a great time.
      PS, I still do this. And you didn't shout out to Fernando. lmao
      When the government pays, the government controls.


      • #18
        Originally posted by naynay View Post
        then there was that... i know better.

        and im really not upset, for what i am looking to learn/discuss is buch more beneficial. this is just a local board. i know a few members here cross over to and i spend time there too. this was just a poss to clear the air, i dont care if im liked or disliked. hell for the true car guys i see most of them at the track on the weekend and the board isn't even mentioned, its just good times and cold beers. thats where the board needs to get back to imho.

        So pointless trolling with every post is okay, but this board needs to get back to the 2000 days? Gotcha.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
          To be honest, I have never had a problem with you. I think you sometimes fuel the fire on a lot of things and as you know things tend to blow up on here. Just relax, have a good time and not get personal with people. That's my .02.
          This, exactly.


          • #20
            I feel left out.


            • #21
              Originally posted by naynay View Post
              this used to be a place where you could come, find local car guys, hag out meet up, party on the weekends, meet at the track, and have a great time. I dont know what happened but it seems that a few select individuals have "taken over", so to speak. I wont name any names but if you feel you are a keeper of the site then I may be talking to you.

              now for me, I posted a thread, with an honest question mind you. The thread was derailed by the 5th or 6th post.
              Made it this far and thought, "
              Originally posted by Shorty View Post
              You can't troll with 98% of your posts and then expect people to be civil with the other 2%.

              Went back to keep reading and saw this. If only it were true.

              Originally posted by naynay View Post
              toodles bitches

              So, what happened? Did you feel like Steve was gonna get all your attention and you got jealous?

              I know I'm a newb compared to you, but I used to hold a smidgen of respect for you based solely off of your nuts being placed on Pigtina's head. The way you decided to troll constantly on subjects that are passionate to my heart regardless of the fact that you have no fucking clue made me rethink my position.

              I will say, though, that I would be perfectly content with buying you beers while we discuss differences, throwing down for however long it took for you to tap out, and then buying you more beers to ease your throbbing noggin.


              • #22
                Didn't even get an honorable mention. Guess I need to step it up.
                "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                • #23
                  When trolling goes wrong
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                    I feel left out.
                    too many people, too little time. i feel like Tiger Woods answering fan mail everytime i get on here!
                    THE BAD HOMBRE


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Baron View Post
                      Didn't even get an honorable mention. Guess I need to step it up.
                      fwiw i never liked your old avatar b/c as with my sig i only use them to find my last posts.

                      @al_p this is not a troll. im about to be back on the road, and what i do there stays there, this is just the type of love i wanna spread on the board. no lies have been spread. i went to jail for running from the long arm of the law on my motorcycle, and you did what you did. keep my shit off here and i'll keep yours off it.
                      THE BAD HOMBRE


                      • #26
                        I obviously wasn't mentioned but want to give my feedback anyways. As everyone knows, I love to talk, and pontificating is one of my strengths.

                        First I will say that Leah and I have not discussed the reason for your ban, so none of this is some behind the scenes insight, just my opinion based on my observations.

                        IMO, you were not banned as much for your activity in that thread, but really for the excessive amount of trolling you have done lately. For me, it really just got to the point where I got tired of seeing your posts. And since I know I am more tolerant than many here, I can see where others would be even more sick of them. Frankly, I would have banned you well before "the" thread, for some of the other nonsense you have posted, but probably wouldn't have looking purely at the content in "the" thread.

                        And that is a shame, because you do have some good posts / threads. I just find it hard to take the good stuff seriously, or even take the time to read them, because they are automatically discounted based on the other garbage.

                        That said, I don't hate you, or even dislike you, hell, I don't even know you. Just shook hands or said hey once or twice. I just don't like they way you have chosen to go in many threads. I kind of liken it to my opinion of Steve (both of them, BTW)

                        Of course, that brings up the question of hypocrisy, since several of my closer friends on here do their share of trolling and shit talk. In those cases, my only response is that I still feel their good outweighs their bad. It irritates the fuck out of me when Eric and Matt go at it, as one example. Then again, I pretty much blame them equally in that regard.

                        Finally, and as some know, and others may have noticed, I try to really just avoid getting in the middle of conflicts that Leah has with people on here. She knows what she is getting in to, and I am not going to tell her how to act. I may make suggestions from time to time, but she generally disregards them. But as far as your reference to a power trip, that is certainly not the case. In fact, I think you were probably the first, if not one of the very few, that she has ever banned.

                        Anyhow, hope you stick around, and hope even more it is with reduced trolling.


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                            I feel left out.
                            We'll drown our sorrows in booze if I can ever get a damn Friday off.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by naynay View Post

                              • bmcsean- dont know you, no ill regards



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Chili View Post
                                Anyhow, hope you stick around, and hope even more it is with reduced trolling.
                                absolutely, i will speeak my mind and not respond to any further posts. what i feel though, is that now reduces the content of the board. Since i was maybe 22 or 23 i decided to make it my life goal to make people see the other side of every argument. My mind is so open that i can never pick a side. and it's only when i see a group being so one sided that i chose to express the otherside and at least get peoples heads thinking about it. hence this sig.

                                never owned a mustan, hence, being on a mustang site. two sides to every story!
                                THE BAD HOMBRE

