I am finding there is a bunch of new terminology that I can't figure out WTF people are talking about in the forums. What is a "slash" truck? What is this about "reprogramming"? What is an SCTE?
SCTE = Short Course Truck Electric if I am thinking correctly. Basically an electric stadium struck/trophy truck. I have an Associated SC10 (think RC10, but bigger with a full stadium truck body). It basically stock except for a sway bar that I added. Brushless 3300kv motor (13.5 turn), but it's non-sensored...
I love my Axial Exo Terra Buggy. Bought it as a kit and put in Novak ESC and Brushless 550 sensored motor. Only running a 2s LiPo pack and it's still good for at least 40-45mph. If I geared it up, it could easily hit 60-70 but it's hard enough to control now at full throttle/higher speeds, so I'll keep it as is...
Also have my old school RC10 B4 with brushed motor and a newer RC10 B4.1 running a thunder power 17.5 turn (Stock) sensored brushless 540 motor and Tekin RS Pro ESC. I drive it at Mikes on the indoor track and the 17.5 is plenty for that track. Sometimes I swap in a 13.5 just for grins but it's not needed.
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776
Yes and no....SCTE is actual name for the Losi brand 1/10th Short Course Truck.
I still have the "tuning kit" new in the box. Kept waiting for something to break before I installed all the "hop-up" parts and never did. Also have about 3-4 sets of wheels and tires, 2 bodies (one has never been used) and is custom painted.
I have a slash 4x4 with tons done to it. Me and a couple guys at the shop use to get together and bash around after work. Been too muddy or cold lately though.
i have a losi scte too luv that damn thing when its running right. but ya speed monkey is the one in irving. never raced there but seen the track and its bad ass.