Originally posted by 03trubluGT
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But we are. Corrections, medical, crime victims, etc. are all part of the game. You cannot dispute that.
Compelled isn't the right word. That's you being dramatic. Say you get a drug conviction. With that comes a DL suspension. You get caught driving on a suspended DL. That's a Class B and here we go with another trip through the "justice system". Officers that make the arrest, tow company that pulls the vehicle, booking and jailing, bonding, grand jury, DA, etc..... Pull your head out of the sand and take a look at the big picture. That's just one example.
Do you know how many crimes are committed to pay for attorneys? Say Doper "A" gets arrested. Now since he's a doper and doesn't have a job, he has to steal to pay his bondsman and attorney. Guess what he does? JFC, Shawn/Sean are you really that naive?
Do you know how many crimes are committed to pay for attorneys? Say Doper "A" gets arrested. Now since he's a doper and doesn't have a job, he has to steal to pay his bondsman and attorney. Guess what he does? JFC, Shawn/Sean are you really that naive?
So hiring, losing work product, going through the hassle of firing and looking for a replacement is just something fun for companies to do?
Have any stats/facts that support your thoughts on this? We all know how skewed stats can be, so find some that are fairly reliable.
I'm glad you like something....
All in all, you haven't justified your position that drugs need to be banned, when everything you labeled out was/is already against the law.