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RIP Real Estate Nate

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  • This is a very big surprise to me. His family just went though a ton with the loss of his father and now his mother must bury her son. Terrible, absolutely terrible.

    Nate sold us a piece of property and I never met him in real life. The process was great and referred my sister to him when it was her turn to buy a house. Very honest guy, when he made a small mistake with ordering a service that wasnt needed, he paid out of his own pocket. Not many out there with that kind of integrity. We invited Nate over for Thanksgiving dinner and it was the first time I met him along with my family. Very nice guy. This is truly sad that he has passed. He will be missed

    RIP Nate...


    • Nate was a good guy. We had weekly pool parties at my house in 08-10 and he was here most of the time. I had not seen him much recently, but he came over ~6 or so months ago and picked-up an old phone I had. We sat in the backyard and bullshitted for awhile. Never thought that would be the last time I'd ever see him. He went to highschool a half-mile from me, and went to school with my ex-gf, who also happens to be a real estate agent. I'm gonna miss you Nate! You played soccer with my friends, kicked balls over my fence, invited cute girls over, etc. :-(


      • RIP Nate.


        • Wow! I saw this yesterday but didn't get a chance to post as I was heading out the door at the time. I didn't know him very well but met him a few times over the years. Very sad indeed and makes me wonder about my own mortality. God speed Nate and RIP.


          • RIP Nate, helped us with building a new home last year, sad to hear this news
            2002 4.6L 5spd S281

            So fast i make speedy gonzales look like regular gonzales


            • Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
              My wife and I are shocked at his passing. He just friended me on FB not even 3 days ago.

              We bought our house from him in 2009. While I was in Afg. he and my wife went house shoppin. Must have looked at a dozen before we found the one we liked. Of course, we can never say enough for how he took care of us. When the seller's realtor miss spoke and fucked up an incentive to close with the seller, Nate offered to cover the $1,500 the seller kept. I wouldn't even entertain it with him.

              When I got home he came over and he and my brother and I went to the gun show shoppin. Afterwards we hit up Joe T's in Ft Worth for some booze and lunch with the church crowd. I regret not doing Tequila shots at 11am with him and my brother.

              We all went back to my place and I helped him with his Glock and we enjoyed a few rounds of .22lr suppressed in my garage. He got a fucking kick out of shooting a gun, inside.

              Took him to Winchester after a few days and we blasted tons of ammo. I let him shoot an AR for the first time. Poor guy was right handed and left eye domminent. He was a mess but he was having a great time so we just kept handing him ammo and other guns to enjoy. I have a video of him shooting somewhere, I need to post it up. Hell it may already be on my Photobucket saved. Let me find it.

              Sad day. Sorry I just saw this.

              I haven't read the last page. Any word on a GTG? I get in on Sunday and would be honored to show up and honor him.
              This is a great story and so true to his character. We weren't the closest of friends, but he had hung out at our place several times and had given us advice on selling our house, plus texting/online stuff. We texted more than anything, but with that said, you didn't need to be close to him to see he was a generous, thoughtful, honest and spontaneous kind of guy. I'm still in shock and can't believe we've lost another one of the good guys. This sucks.

              Don (or anyone really), if there is any info about viewing, funeral, etc., could you please make a new thread so everyone knows it's been announced? I can merge the threads at a later date.

              Thank you and RIP, buddy.
              Token Split Tail

              Originally posted by slow99
     favorite female poster strikes again.
              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
              You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


              • Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                We all went back to my place and I helped him with his Glock and we enjoyed a few rounds of .22lr suppressed in my garage. He got a fucking kick out of shooting a gun, inside.
                Pretty sure I sold him that Glock. I want to say it was a 26. This still sucks that he passed.


                • Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post
                  Pretty sure I sold him that Glock. I want to say it was a 26. This still sucks that he passed.
                  That is the one.
                  Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                  • Found this pic from one of the Tarrant County Christmas parties...always sporting a smile.
                    Attached Files
                    Token Split Tail

                    Originally posted by slow99
           favorite female poster strikes again.
                    Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                    You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                    • Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                      That is the one.
                      When I sold that to him we met out at Hooters in Grapevine. We had lunch and chatted for a while, he really was a nice guy. When it came time to leave I tried to cover the bill but Nate wouldn't let me. Last time I bought something from him a few months ago I got him back though, paid the cashier before he finished ordering. Sat outside the deli and talked for something like 3 hours, he wanted to pick my brain in regards to dealing with a death in the family.

                      I really do regret not taking the opportunity to talk to Nate more, but that is just kinda how I am.


                      • Rip Nate. Godspeed.


                        • RIP,

                          Me and Nate worked many deals when I was a broker for home loans. Very stand up guy,

                          He will be missed
                          True Street MotorSports
                          901 N McDonald St Suite 100
                          McKinney TX 75069

                          Shop 972.542.9886
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                          Nitrous Refills $4lb


                          • One of the best thing I remember about Nate was that he always had a way with the ladies. We went out MILF/cougar hunting multiple times over the years, after I turned 21. He was always introducing me to some new chick that was recently divorced, on the prowl, and DTF.
                            Originally posted by Jester
                            Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
                            He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
                            Originally posted by Denny
                            What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
                            FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


                            • May he RIP

                              2003 f250
                              1990 mustang gt stock 68k miles
                              1990 mustang gt 347 t56
                              1994 peterbilt 377 dump truck 450hp cat
                              1997 freightliner 500hp detriot[/FONT]


                              • Has there been any information about paying our final respects?

