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let's say my neighbors are...

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  • #61
    Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
    If it goes on every single time he goes out into his yard and it last for more than a couple minutes then your dog needs more training so it knows what IT'S territory is. Or if the barking is aggressive barking and not hey how ya doing barking then it needs to be trained that he should only do that in his own yard or house.
    You are missing the point dude, like usual. Spray my dog in the face for anything that you have a problem with short of him attacking you and I am gonna teach some manners. My boy barks at him everyday. I don't care how my neighbor takes it until he says something to me. Of course we have all talked about the dogs and their noise, neither of us have a problem with it. And again, when told to shut up he does as told. Until told otherwise, he is a dog and does what dogs do. But go ahead and tell me he needs training....

    But as in the OP, spraying the dog without talking to the owner warrants the same in return: an ass whoopin without saying a word or cutting the water hose into a thousand pieces and leaving it on the front porch.
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #62
      Wow kbs is such a badass. Please tell me more about your resolutions through physical violence.

      Youre either as yippie as a yorkie or on a fast track to gettin the beat down or prison time. Stop playing billy badass in the interwebs.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
        Wow kbs is such a badass. Please tell me more about your resolutions through physical violence.

        Youre either as yippie as a yorkie or on a fast track to gettin the beat down or prison time. Stop playing billy badass in the interwebs.
        shitty day at work probably showing
        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


        • #64
          Haha glad that's all it is.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
            Haha glad that's all it is.
            that and I need an R&R, 7/12s for the past 4 months with no pussy (6 months) or booze
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #66
              I guess the advice seems split into train the dog and confront the neighbor. I think he is trained. He barks , that is what I want a dog for. If he is bothering them I would think a knock on the door and a polite ask for us to have it curbed. Just taking it into their own hands and spraying him down is asking for an escalation of the activity.

              Thanks for all your thoughts on the matter.


              • #67
                When I was 16-18 we lived in Flower Mound in a small custom homes neighborhood and we had a 10 year old lab. She NEVER barked unless she wanted inside, in which case she would bark for maybe 2 or 3 minutes, and then just lay down by the door and wait.

                We had this ass-hat retired cop that lived in the house behind ours, shared fence, etc. For a couple weeks my parents had to go out of town on a family emergency, so the dog was my responsibility. I went to school from 730 am to 4 pm, then had work from 445 pm to midnight most nights, so I would come home and let the dog out, then go to work, then take an early lunch and come home to let her back in. I'm sure she barked for her usual 2 to 3 minutes to be let back in, but apparently this angered the guy so much that he called the cops several times. I tried varying my schedule, just leaving her in and cleaning up the mess when I got home, everything I could, but there were still noise complaints regardless of what I did to try to make this ass-hole happy. I would have just gone over and talked to him if I had time and didn't work until unacceptable socializing hours.

                I'd come home to notices on my door for the first few days, and then the fourth day I come home to a police officer on my property, waiting for me around midnight (the retired cop behind us must have figured out my schedule and let them know when I would be there). He explained what he was doing there, as if I didn't already know because of the notices, and I explained to him MY situation, and we walked over to the neighbor's house and we knocked on the door.

                The neighbor answered, surprised to see us both there. The cop told him that he had been the one personally responsible for checking out the multiple noise complaints this guy had lodged, and said that every time he showed up, he would sit on the hood of his squad car and listen for an hour, and heard nothing, and that if this retired cop filed one more noise complaint, that he was going to slap him with some sort of harassment charge.

                That stopped him for a couple days.

                On the third day after the cop had come by and told him how everything was going to go down, I come home from work again around midnight, pull in the driveway, go let the dog in, start getting ready for bed, and the doorbell rings. I go to the front door, baseball bat in hand just in case, and sure enough, it's that old motherfucker crotchety-assed retired cop on a power trip. He proceeds to start shouting, saying that the dog was barking for HOURS AND HOURS while I was gone, and that if I didn't shut the dog up, he would. I asked him what he implied by that statement, and he replied that he was an ex-cop and he knew the law and that he was going to use the full extent of it. I shoved the bat in his face, asked him if he had proof of the dog barking, and that if he didnt to get the fuck off our property or I would call that same officer back out. Never heard from him again.

                Cliff's notes: Sometimes crotchety neighbors are just that, but you need to make sure you're doing your best to make everyone around you comfortable if you have a barking dog.


                • #68
                  Just as an FYI, if your dog is barking for more than a few minutes...that's not what you want him for. If you wanted him as a warning he should only bark or a minute before you respond. You just seem to be taking the lazy annoying neighbor way out.

                  If you have a house alarm...or car alarm... Do you let it blare all damn day under the lazy white trash excuse of "it's an alarm...that's what they do"?

                  It's not a half and half thing. Everyone wants you to reapond in a sensible manner by talking to the neighbor, and everyone wants you to shut your dog the hell up.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by TexasT View Post
                    I guess the advice seems split into train the dog and confront the neighbor. I think he is trained. He barks , that is what I want a dog for. If he is bothering them I would think a knock on the door and a polite ask for us to have it curbed. Just taking it into their own hands and spraying him down is asking for an escalation of the activity.

                    Thanks for all your thoughts on the matter.
                    He shouldn't have to ask you, you should be a good neighbor/responsible dog owner and stop it yourself. The dog should not bark until someone comes into his territory/backyard. Keep it up and your going to have a dead dog. The neighbor will throw a steak with rat poison over the fence.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                      You are missing the point dude, like usual. Spray my dog in the face for anything that you have a problem with short of him attacking you and I am gonna teach some manners. My boy barks at him everyday. I don't care how my neighbor takes it until he says something to me. Of course we have all talked about the dogs and their noise, neither of us have a problem with it. And again, when told to shut up he does as told. Until told otherwise, he is a dog and does what dogs do. But go ahead and tell me he needs training....

                      But as in the OP, spraying the dog without talking to the owner warrants the same in return: an ass whoopin without saying a word or cutting the water hose into a thousand pieces and leaving it on the front porch.
                      There ya go.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by TexasT View Post
                        I guess the advice seems split into train the dog and confront the neighbor. I think he is trained. He barks , that is what I want a dog for. If he is bothering them I would think a knock on the door and a polite ask for us to have it curbed. Just taking it into their own hands and spraying him down is asking for an escalation of the activity.

                        Thanks for all your thoughts on the matter.
                        Don't think. It'll lead to a repeat of this situation.
                        Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                        I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                        Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                        Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                        dont downshift!!
                        Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                        • #72
                          If my neighbor did that to my dog I would roll out the pressure washer and see how they like to be sprayed, but my dog doesn't bark constantly either.

                          I do have a neighbor across the alley with some very annoying dogs, but I know the dogs by name because they yell at them so much lol. When I'm grilling it goes "Bark Bark Bark" "Oddball shut up and get in the house"


                          • #73
                            Introduce the neighbor to the dog, worked for me. My dog patrols and barks for a reason. Once they're introduced, she doesn't harass the neighbors anymore. Just takes patience and training.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                              The cop told him that he had been the one personally responsible for checking out the multiple noise complaints this guy had lodged, and said that every time he showed up, he would sit on the hood of his squad car and listen for an hour, and heard nothing
                              Tax payer dollars at work here...


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
                                Tax payer dollars at work here...
                                What the fuck else are they going to do in Flower Mound besides catch some punk-ass kid in a ricer or sit around diddling each other all day? I'd rather he were thorough in his noise complaint investigation than anything else...

