Some douchebag is outside blaring Pantera through his crappy car stereo and sitting in the passenger seat pretending he's Vinnie Paul. Where's my BB gun when I need it? I'm on the third floor back in the corner, in the bedroom of the apartment and I can hear this shit.
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Annoying neighbor
Tags: are you talkin to me?!, bmcseankidisgay, can you hear rex's bass, clubhouse pussy, dimebag banged eazy e, dimebag burn in hell, dimebag gave hand jobs, dude, dude its a neon, earplugs ftw, elvis brought flour, emo is cryin' again, fags listen to metal, girlpants is scared, i gotta shit, its pantera!!!!, jojo is dimebags dealer, obama can help you, pan-fucking-tera!, pantera is shit, pantera iz on mah ballz, sponsored by marshall, turn up your beiber, why do apts suck again?, \m/(>.<)\m/