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the age of the internet?

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  • #61
    I am on 24mpbs speed internet. might as well be dial up
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #62
      Originally posted by JC316 View Post
      I live in the fucking sticks, I didn't get broadband till august 2005 Yeah 56K sucked balls in 2005.
      lol. We got our cable in about 2003-2004 I believe. They were running it out to a lake community across the street from our ranch. We talked to the company, and thy said it'd be about 5k or so to run it down our road and down our driveway, so we said forget that. The next day they started doing it...apparently one of our friends in "high places" of the company told them to run it up to our house for free.
      Originally posted by Buzzo
      Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



      • #63
        I have been on the network since I was 12-13 and that was back in '85 using BBSes on an old TRS80-MC10 with a 300 baud acoustic coupled modem. I have been working the networking field since 1989...Banyan, Decnet, and crap like that ruled the way back then. I can't remember my old compuserve account ID but I remember the password.
        01 red GT - 745whp/780wtq Whippled 4V and built 4R75W


        • #64
          I was the shit with my PB 486 sx.

          Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


          • #65
            Around 79-80 me and my friends would get to school early to play a Star Trek game on the ARPANET. I still have a couple of the printouts…


            • #66
              ^Nerd alert! This thread inspired me to go look for a few people from the old Prodigy days, and I found them. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing. lol


              • #67
                Originally posted by scootro View Post
                webtv was the shit though!

                yep, my real internet experience. beside, a little surfing on a buddies mothers computer.
       New Website for the off road peeps


                • #68
                  dont remember the year, but i had Juno and then AOL 2.5 came out..i also had a monochrome laptop that i would hit the local BBSs on. i think the laptop had a 900baud modem, and the pc had a 2400 baud. i also remember lusting over the 28.8k modems and spending day after day in PR Server downloading my WaReZ.

                  ah the good 'ol days


                  • #69
                    ::walks into the room:: sup guys!
                    Originally posted by talisman
                    I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                    Originally posted by AdamLX
                    If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                    Because fuck you, that's why
                    Originally posted by 80coupe
                    nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                    Originally posted by Rick Modena
                    ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                    Originally posted by Jester
                    Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                    • #70
                      I was a late adopter for internet / computer stuff. I mean, I started using PCs for work in about 1995, but no internet yet. In 1998 in earnest, because my employer didn't have filters. Most of that was Yahoo Message boards. Started out on that because I started doing the "Investment Challenge" monthly things they did on Yahoo. Then I bailed on those but continued to participate on the message boards as they were becoming more social than anything. First at-home dial-up in 99. Didn't get DSL until around '02 - '03.

                      I was never big on the straight up chat room stuff, mainly stuck to message boards until modern type forums really took over. Chat rooms moved too fast and my typing speed was for shit. I could take my time on the message boards.


                      • #71
                        ^^been crankin it ever since
                        THE BAD HOMBRE


                        • #72
                          I remember voice chatting with a few people on dial-up in around 1998. One night I was flabergasted after talking to some chick in Korea for like an hour. It blew my mind that it was free! When I was stationed there in '94-'95 phone calls home ran like $1 a minute!


                          • #73
                            Way back in 1983-84 I picked up my first modem (painfully slow Apple Modem 300) and was thrilled to find BBS's I could log into to download Apple II games to play on our Apple II+, and I could also call up my buddy who had a Commodore 64 and we could chat back and forth online (woohoo!!!).

                            Eventually I got REALLY fast when I picked up a used Apple Modem 1200 AND we upgraded to an Apple IIe, a COLOR VGA monitor AND dual disk drives.


                            • #74
                              In the early 80's I swapped over from being a software developer to networking. All my co-workers thought I was nuts. I can remember the start of the Worldwide Web. People considered it a fad. I was also fortunate enough to be there when Internet2 was launched in 2007.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Chili View Post
                                I remember voice chatting with a few people on dial-up in around 1998. One night I was flabergasted after talking to some chick in Korea for like an hour. It blew my mind that it was free! When I was stationed there in '94-'95 phone calls home ran like $1 a minute!

                                Just fyi, it was probably some fat dude in Kentucky. Remember what I said about new users being naive?

