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  • #31
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    I've got a guy working for me that has this 70s Duster with a ginormous stroked big block, tunnel ram, dual quads sticking out of the hood, sounds like the world is coming to an end when it is running, etc etc. today he was doing some tuning on it and while he was driving down the road(it's completely legal) he got pulled over by 2 cops. They pulled him over because they wanted to talk to him about the car because they liked it. As flattering as that may be, I found it a bit preposterous, and it isn't the first time I've heard of it happening. Perhaps I'm over reacting. At least you can walk away from the douche at the gas station that "I had one just like this, only it was a different color, year, and make and model...." Discuss.
    I thought someone was buying parts at your store for that monstrosity.
    Originally posted by talisman
    I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
    Originally posted by AdamLX
    If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny
    Because fuck you, that's why
    Originally posted by 80coupe
    nice dick, Idrivea4banger
    Originally posted by Rick Modena
    ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
    Originally posted by Jester
    Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


    • #32
      Originally posted by idrivea4banger View Post
      I thought someone was buying parts at your store for that monstrosity.

      Stop stalking me.


      • #33
        I've never been pulled over like a traffic stop in my Grand National but I have been followed to my destination 3 times and been chatted up about it...and on 2 occasions I've had police pull up next to me at traffic lights and rev their motors to entice me to race them (one older Dallas PD Caprice LT1 and a Dville cop in a Crown Vic). The Dallas cop did a burn out and took off so I ran him down...then he jumped behind me and turned on the lights for a sec...then pulled up beside me laughing and said he was on his way to donut shop and took off. The Dville cop I ignored and turned off...he was smiling the whole time so I'm guessing he just liked the car. As long as they don't inconvenience me, fuck with me about the car being legal, or write me tickets..its all good. MOST cops are car guys and I know their job can get boring and mundane sometimes.


        • #34
          Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
          id love it if....

          1. they didnt notice i was drunk
          2. they didnt notice the fake sticker
          3. they werent overcome by catless exhaust fumes
          4. they didnt find the meth in the trunk

          god bless.
          Noted for future traffic stop!

          I have stopped people that I know just to scare the shit out of them. Mostly because I knew they shouldn't be in the area that I found them.
          "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
          George Orwell


          • #35
            Happen to me. Good freinds with a bunch of cops that are into mustangs


            • #36
              Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
              id love it if....

              1. they didnt notice i was drunk
              2. they didnt notice the fake sticker
              3. they werent overcome by catless exhaust fumes
              4. they didnt find the meth in the trunk

              god bless.
              Got pulled over like 8 years ago in the yellow fobra buzzing like a mofo in Garland thank god it was the one and only garland cop that i grew up with!
              (Said my car came up showing tags were out had just got them that am BECAUSE GNRAY got me in plano for them being out!


              • #37
                Had a lewisville cop wavy at me after i did 100mph blast getting on 121 in my kennebell cobra


                • #38
                  Years ago, I drove my racecar to Hallsville and got pulled going 80mph near Canton by local po po.

                  The cop looked in the car and saw the cage, missing passenger seat, N2O bottle, racing harness.
                  and open headers

                  He asked where I was heading and I told him I was running late to a race in Hallsville and it was
                  all I could do to stay at 80mph. He just started laughing.
                  He asked how fast the car was and we chatted a few minutes and after that he said he would give
                  me a few seconds head start and he wanted to *see* how fast the car was.

                  That was the best part of the whole day.

                  I got to the event and made some passes, but the car busted some valve springs right after I left
                  the track heading home. I started a major rebuild from that point, and the car was down for 1.5 years.
                  As it turned out, well worth the wait.

                  I know most folks today like forced unduction, but I still prefer a NA car that has enough cam lope
                  to shake the fillings out of my teeth.
                  Jay Johnson
                  Car hauler for hire


                  • #39
                    Id never just stop sonmeone to chat. My camera comes on when lights go on. Plus they record 30 sec prior to me turning the lights on! Thereforr I wouldnt risk it. Feeding my fam isnt something i wanna chance with an unlawful detention which would lead to suspension/termination. If they have a true violation and it happens to be a badass ride, we shall chat if hes willing. Most folks are cool and overly excited to talk it up with a cop about there toy.


                    • #40
                      My town is PACKED with classics at the moment. Due to good guys car show. Just being able to see em is satisfying enough. Tonight was a good night.


                      • #41
                        Got followed in the Cobra last year a few weeks before the Power Tour. NRH Cop followed us all the way up to TCJC from 820 on 26. Finally pulled up beside me and gave us the stink eye till his light turned green. Must have pissed him off to sit at that light and listen to my tame looking car rattle everything loose in his Yukon. Douche bag.

                        Got stopped in DWG in my old GT back in 1999. Cop walks up and his exact words "sounds fast, thanks for not running". Proceded to write me 4 tickets. Douche bag.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post
                          It is irritating as fuck.
                          I thought since we buy the new ones & rebuild the older ones that we want people to look at them? Car shows, etc...

                          But a cop just wasting my time, hellz nah. Not a fan of that at all.


                          • #43
                            That happened twice in one of my 69 Camaro's and about 5 times when I had my 55 chevy.
                            Didn't really bother me much, especially since one of the times in the 69 I just did a full on Nitrous blast down a dark side street and when I pulled onto the main road there were two cops sitting at the red light.
                            They just looked the car over, asked me about it, said they like it etc. As they were walking off one of them told me to ease up with the using the bottle on the street and to get the slicks off of it. lol


                            • #44
                              Had a cop car with two cops in it in Sanger pull up next to me on the highway and roll their window down and try telling me something several times. I shrugged at him because I couldn't hear what he was saying over my exhaust. I thought I was getting pulled over until they both smiled real big and gave me thumbs up. funny thing is, i was in the ranger!

                              the whole thing scared the crap out of me, and I'd rather them keep to them selves.
                              And I'm not an FTP guy either.


                              • #45
                                I'm never a fan of being engaged in conversation by police. Especially when I'm not breaking a law. You think my vehicle is neat? Fine. You don't need to abuse those red and blues to tell me.
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

