You people bitch too much. Waa I went to the store and didn't get any help, waa I went to the store and got too much help.
I agree! I understand getting annoyed by being asked the same question over and over, and they definately need to shit can the extended warranty BS.
That being said, I'd rather be asked if I need help a million times as opposed to needing help, and finding nobody! (Home Depot) As long as they ask nice, ask away!
Ever walked up to a checkout or a fast food counter and had the employee just stare at you, not even a nod of the head? At the very least, acknowledge my presence!
you seriously see zero distinction between being courteous and helpful and annoyingly trying to squeeze another penny out of someone?
It's their job to keep asking if you want something.
For example, at a restaurant a server doesn't want to be asking if you want to add an appetizer, would rather get a soda instead of water, if you want dessert. They get secret shopped and are required to ask those things.
If they continuously fail to offer certain things, they will lose their job.
Go to AZ and buy some brake pads.. You will be pissed at all the questions we are required to ask.
do you need brake lube for the caliper pins?
Do you need brake fluid?
Do you need brake cleaner?
How are your rotors?
How are your calipers?
Do you want new hardware/spring anti rattle clips.
Do you need any hand cleaner or shop towel?
Do you want a rewards card?
Do you want to try (random item) "check out challenge"..
For me to do my job correctly requires pissing people off.
Went to Wal-Mart the other day and I had 6 different employees ask me if I wanted to open a checking account with their in-store bank. I almost lost it on the 6th guy.
You are just pissed because you don't got no moneyz to open a checking account bitch!!!
I think his point is that the fish got low balled, fucked in the catfish asshole and you paid half price. The worst part was the fish explaining to his fish friends why his asshole smelled like redneck
I had to go to Office Depot. It was like I was at used car lot! Can I help you? Can I help you? Every damn employee they had there were following me around the store. Drove me nuts!
Would like to have a rewards card?
Do you need a warranty?
How about a printer cord for your new printer?
You’ll want some extra ink for new printer?
If I need help I’ll ask until then leave me alone.
We have to ask because if we get secret shopped and fail, we don't get our bonus.
Best Buy is the WORST about this, As soon as you walk in you get asked if theres anything you need help with, then by the time you get to the very back of the store where you need to be, you have a flock of people all asking you what they can help you with. Drives me crazy!
I used to work at Home Depot in tool rental. It was impossible to walk from one end of the store to the other without someone asking you for help - because policy was to talk to every single customer as you saw them. We used to complain that we couldn't take care of everyone and do all the other things that management wanted us to do, but management would always tell us that corporate had done studies and more people on the floor did not equal more sales. Home Depot is beholden to shareholders and to no one else.
I stopped going to Radio Shack years ago because they get so far up your ass before you even get 5 feet in the door, amongst other reasons.
Men have become the tools of their tools. -Henry David Thoreau
I think his point is that the fish got low balled, fucked in the catfish asshole and you paid half price. The worst part was the fish explaining to his fish friends why his asshole smelled like redneck