Originally posted by Vertnut
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Disciplinary action?
Get a pallet of bricks. Make him move them one by one from one end of the yard to the other. Repeat until he can't stand up or his attitude changes. It will work, and you can enjoy a beer or two while watching.
I recondition headlights on most cars for $50.00. If interested shoot me a pm.
Originally posted by mystic96 View PostHow are you making your disciplinary actions stick? Say they f-up and you make them go outside and dig holes and move bricks or sit down and write sentences over and over and over or whatever other consequences you're thinking will show them right from wrong, and the kiddo decides he/she just isn't going to do any of it? Where do you go from there? If they just flat out refuse to do anything?
god bless.It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass
Originally posted by Roscoe View PostShit, I have half of one in my garage! It's a great idea for the future...
On a side note, Chris they do have huge rocks/broken concrete under the Lake Worth bridge you can pick up if that's something you want to do. Just leave me some I'm not done with my yard yet, lol.
Originally posted by Scott Mc View PostThis, fear of God method works on ADD/ADHD. I use the Invisible chair with holding a pencil on the ends strait out. It makes my girlfriends youngest crack in about 3 minutes. He has ADHD and normal punishments do not work. I have never spanked him but I did pin him down for about 15 minutes once when he was having a freakout. Once he calmed down we talked about respect and how if he was going to disrespect people he better be ready to face the fact that the loss could be more than he bargained for. I have also learned you cant give them an inch. If you tell them to do it, they better do it or there will be a penalty, every time. Good luck!
Grace does this. There have been times when she would get in trouble at school, but it was due to her teacher having a shitty day. For example, She got in trouble for talking to herself during solo work time. She was discussing the lesson plan in her whisper voice, to herself, about how she was going to execute the work. The teacher made her drop a color and stand on the wall at recess. I couldn't discipline her because I talk my self through an objective on occasion. I did explain to her that she needs to stick to the teacher's rules and expectations. The next day she got in trouble for wobbling in her chair and acting out. This error in judgement got her some discipline. We started with invisible chair and she begged for spankings after 2 minutes.
Our oldest, can give up every single thing in the world and still do what he pleases. We wound up cutting his hair that he had been growing out for years. Gave him a high and tight versus the shaggy shit that school girls dig. That hair had become his status symbol. It helped him make friends and "seem cool". That awkward little fucker has never been the same since we did it. However, now I just threaten ground drills (air raids) and he shapes up with the quickness. He has also started to establish a great deal of respect from me. This has been the best tool to get him to accomplish his goals. I will say, though, that swimming and ROTC have really helped him to learn some sense of responsibility.
Our middle child pays close attention to the oldest and youngest. He simply needs a disappointed look. However, he is not immune to getting that ass busted. This year has been one of boundary testing. His laziness is going to net him a terrible Summer.
Originally posted by Thehead View PostGet a pallet of bricks. Make him move them one by one from one end of the yard to the other. Repeat until he can't stand up or his attitude changes. It will work, and you can enjoy a beer or two while watching.
Originally posted by talisman View PostWhere the fuck are you just going to "get" a pallet of bricks, let alone have it moved to your yard?!Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.
Originally posted by talisman View PostGreat. Now when you're done disciplining the kid, you're left with a fucking pallet of bricks in your backyard.
god bless.It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass
Originally posted by downshift_me View PostYep, the builder left almost a whole pallet in the backyard after they finished the house.
On a side note, Chris they do have huge rocks/broken concrete under the Lake Worth bridge you can pick up if that's something you want to do. Just leave me some I'm not done with my yard yet, lol.
Thanks for the tips everyone