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Disciplinary action?

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  • #31
    quit making him wear that horrible raven purple.

    but srsly. the key is consistancy. the punishment needs to happen everytime its needed. only good behavior is rewarded, bad behavior has consequences. put him to bed at 7pm if he screws up.
    god bless.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


    • #32
      My son is in martial arts and his instructor won't let him advance belts unless he brings a note from home saying he is being polite, helping around the house, doing things first time asked etc etc.. Plus he has to make decent grades.. He is normally worn out by the end of lass and wound down enough after to sit down and get his homework done.. He's def not perfect and will try to push the limits as most kids will try.


      • #33
        Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
        My son is 9 and he is constantly getting into trouble at school and at home. Mainly not listening and trying to do what he wants. We have talked to him to see what his problem is and he just has some smart ass response or wont say anything. We have taken away video games, then his satellite, toys, grounding and tried spankings but that didn't work for either one of us. He is now outside doing air raids. We have found that he really hates those, but he continues to do the same things.Anybody got any suggestions?

        Sometimes you have to let them know who the baddest SOB in the house is. I had to bust my son's ass quite often, but he was only bad at school. He was great at home Broke my heart to have to do it.

        You son may have ADHD.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Stephen View Post
          My son is in martial arts and his instructor won't let him advance belts unless he brings a note from home saying he is being polite, helping around the house, doing things first time asked etc etc.. Plus he has to make decent grades.. He is normally worn out by the end of lass and wound down enough after to sit down and get his homework done.. He's def not perfect and will try to push the limits as most kids will try.
          perfect stephen. that has a ton to do with it too. Jr is in baseball and soccer. that is 4-5 nights a week. he knows he better listen the first time something is asked, or its an issue. i think i have only spanked him 2-3times in his 6yrs. all being due to something that is serious enough to be fatal. ie running into the street. he got a spanking because I needed him to remember that. i am so lucky he is not like me. i had to learn everything the hard way. that said you have to start discipline when they are young. i see parents with kids Jr's age having to raise their voice and scream at their kids in public, and im jsut like.... that shit should have been started at home. i wont embarass Jr or myself by acting like that. when he gets a little wild in public as boys do and i believe should, if i feel its too much i can stop it with a look. he sees the look because he knows the behavior is sketchy and is already looking at me to see if he can get away with it. its amazing when you start out young and are 100% consistant what you can get acomplished by getting your back straight and with a little bass in your voice. im not father of the year by any chance man, but just wanted to post what has been working for me. best of luck.

          god bless.
          It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


          • #35
            I enjoyed making my son write (in full) the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, etc.

            Kids hate writing shit that is boring to them, but they learn.... Took him 6 hours on a few occasions.


            • #36
              You named him Seth? Every Seth I have ever heard of was an asshole.

              The last time I acted like an asshole as a child I got slapped in the face with a chef's knife by my grandmother. It scared the ever loving shit out of me. Try that.


              • #37
                I like the sports and activities idea.

                Find something that he really likes and will really miss, that way the threat of taking it away does bother him.

                Additionally, there's a lot that can be done in the way of teaching the benefits of being good, having a good reputation, and payoffs for merit. It shouldn't be all discipline.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                  Spanking your kid doesn't work for you?
                  If spanking isn't working, you're not doing it right.


                  • #39
                    Seriously try Scouts ... it has given many boys direction.


                    • #40
                      If I ever had a smart ass response, I was cracked with the fat end of a butter knife on the top of my head


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
                        perfect stephen. that has a ton to do with it too. Jr is in baseball and soccer. that is 4-5 nights a week. he knows he better listen the first time something is asked, or its an issue. i think i have only spanked him 2-3times in his 6yrs. all being due to something that is serious enough to be fatal. ie running into the street. he got a spanking because I needed him to remember that. i am so lucky he is not like me. i had to learn everything the hard way. that said you have to start discipline when they are young. i see parents with kids Jr's age having to raise their voice and scream at their kids in public, and im jsut like.... that shit should have been started at home. i wont embarass Jr or myself by acting like that. when he gets a little wild in public as boys do and i believe should, if i feel its too much i can stop it with a look. he sees the look because he knows the behavior is sketchy and is already looking at me to see if he can get away with it. its amazing when you start out young and are 100% consistant what you can get acomplished by getting your back straight and with a little bass in your voice. im not father of the year by any chance man, but just wanted to post what has been working for me. best of luck.

                        god bless.
                        Does he play baseball at the complex in Carrollton? Or 5 star in TC?


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post
                          Seriously try Scouts ... it has given many boys direction.
                          Plus y'all will get to make a bad ass pinewood derby car together!!
                          Make your own custom "raven" car and hell love it because you're doing shit with him


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by downshift_me View Post

                            Lastly, did y'all ever do any ADD/ADHD testing? He may not be able to focus.

                            Orrrrrr....ignore of that and put the fear of God into him and this can be done without hitting him. However, he has no understanding of what happened to you as a child so while it may hurt you he has no idea. You're not beating your kid or abusing him as you were as a child. A spanking is a spanking and when done properly can be eye opening.

                            I'm still doped up on morphine over here so I may need to edit this later.
                            This, fear of God method works on ADD/ADHD. I use the Invisible chair with holding a pencil on the ends strait out. It makes my girlfriends youngest crack in about 3 minutes. He has ADHD and normal punishments do not work. I have never spanked him but I did pin him down for about 15 minutes once when he was having a freakout. Once he calmed down we talked about respect and how if he was going to disrespect people he better be ready to face the fact that the loss could be more than he bargained for. I have also learned you cant give them an inch. If you tell them to do it, they better do it or there will be a penalty, every time. Good luck!


                            • #44
                              For what it's worth, I whipped my youngest daughter's ass quite often from when she was 5 till about 9. There were times I hurt MYSELF, and would not even get a response (crying, tears, etc.) until I left the room. She was defiant to the point of it being ridiculous. I finally stopped because it was border-line abuse, and my wife would even cry. When I stopped responding to her bullshit and quit doing things for her, it turned her around. She was 11th in her high school class (out of almost 500) and was on the Deans list at UT almost every semester. At 23, she is VERY successful. My point is that the very thing that makes him act out, could be an asset to him if he can focus it on making himself better. Parenting is a sonuvabitch, and kids don't come with an "owners manual".


                              • #45
                                How are you making your disciplinary actions stick? Say they f-up and you make them go outside and dig holes and move bricks or sit down and write sentences over and over and over or whatever other consequences you're thinking will show them right from wrong, and the kiddo decides he/she just isn't going to do any of it? Where do you go from there? If they just flat out refuse to do anything?

