Originally posted by Tyrone Biggums
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Eric asked a very valid question with this thread.
I will say now looking back, in my situation I actually don't think it was so much about "having a child", but more-so about us and our relationship, and about taking that whole thing to a different level. Spending a good portion of your life with someone because you really love each other will make decisions (like whether or not to start a family) a lot clearer....and often times more meaningful. We've been together a long time...since highschool. After seeing fucked up crap with our parents and also many friends who screwed their lives up getting married and/or pregnant too soon, we both made a sort of pact that we would wait....to get married, and also to make any decisions about kids...at least until after college. We both finished school and got into our careers. Had a lot of good times with a lot of good friends, and didn't get married until later on (gave us time to get through some up's & downs that all long relationships will experience at some point). We were also married for some time before choosing to be parents...it was good that way...we had time to experience things, to party, to travel, to spend money like it didn't matter....to enjoy each other. By the time the pregnancy came-to-be we had been through so much together that we both knew it was right...not just right that each of us was going to be a parent, but right that we were doing this together...experiencing yet something else unique on this journey.....sort of like icing on the cake by then.
As crazy as it seems, I guess what I'm saying is that having kids may not always be about "having kids"...it may just be a part of something much bigger.