And again, I genuinely don't want to upset any of my married with kids friends on here!! Just feel like the odd man out sometimes, and I am COMPLETELY okay with that considering the requirements. Just working on some things in my head.
I know man, I keep missing your parties and I've been genuinely bummed about it. Please don't stop inviting me, it's been a roller coaster couple of years.
For medical reasons the odds of us having kids is very low and will be zero later this year... but we're completely OK with that.
Both of us are ambitious people who love to live life as fully as we can. We know that right now kids would not permit us to continue that, and even if we could have kids right now we wouldn't.
I have a small family and our "legacy" (last name) will die with my brother and I if he does not have kids. In a way I guess that's sad, but at the same time it's not. We have discussed adopting, fostering, mentoring, etc... All of the things I would want to teach a child of mine can still be passed on. The fact that it's not my child does not mean that I can't have a meaningful and long lasting impact on a person in this world.
Eric, you saw it on FB earlier today. An old college friend, in response to something I posted said: "LOL! Matt's posts are always: " As I sit on this dreadful free flight to Tahiti with a minor headache from all of the single malt scotch I drank, I realize I have no tissues, so I am forced to use one of the hundred dollar bills in my wallet to wipe away the tears of laughter I have from watching this hilarious movie on my Ipad. Travel is such a pain"
I *almost* said, "Yeah, that's because we don't have kids!" but i held back
What is the appeal in having kids? I'm not talking about how you love them after you have them. I'm talking about before you get to that point.
So - knowing/anticipating how much you're going to love them after you have them, perhaps. I didn't decide to have a baby b/c I thought he/she would add zero utils to my life.
I think if you apply the same logic to the same topics that get posted here ad nauseam over the years you might see a little better:
1) Don't try to rationalize decisions that some people just WANT. It's simple, gut instinct to want to perpetuate the species. Someone asked me to lay out the case for marriage not too long ago. I couldn't do it - the case sucks. I'd never rate marriage a "buy", but I am married and wouldn't change it. It's not quantifiable. On paper, it makes no fucking sense. You don't want / can't justify a child -great. It's better you figure it out now rather than afterwards.
2) Every generation thinks the one after it sucks. We all know this. I view the "world/society sucks, I can't bring a child into this world" argument in a similar light. History is filled with similar thoughts/quotes. If my kid's comp group keeps getting shittier, it's easier for him to outperform.
3) Danny is one of the smartest people you know - I'm sorry.
Originally posted by davbrucas
I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.
I *almost* said, "Yeah, that's because we don't have kids!" but i held back
I've had coworkers (and superiors) talking nonstop shit about my '13 GT. "Look who is making all the money!" STFU. Every time they do I say,": Single, no kids." Conversation stops. I guess I love that car the same way people love their kids. The difference is I will never have to argue at its' teachers for being dumber than their students. I think I am starting to get some indeterminable flack from superiors because of the appearance of affluence. It's fucking funny and horrible all rolled into one.
I too am the odd man out fairly often. It seems normal to me, and those who have multiple kids by 25 and hate their wife/ex/baby momma seems abnormal, that's just how I view it.
I made the decision in my early twenties that I wasn't going to procreate. I had many reasons for my decision, but not having the desire to bring a life into a declining society at the top of the list.
I love my independence, I could never give it up. I love silence and enjoy solitude. Kids cost a shitload, and I'm the ultimate tight wad. I have friends with kids, and their life is chaotic. I'm living drama free and loving it. I had a perfect childhood and came from a large family. I was an uncle at nine, and have always been around kids. I can get my fill and go home to peace and quiet.
Read The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich. It's from the 60's but it heavily influenced my decision.
So - knowing/anticipating how much you're going to love them after you have them, perhaps. I didn't decide to have a baby b/c I thought he/she would add zero utils to my life.
I think if you apply the same logic to the same topics that get posted here incessantly over the years you might see a little better:
1) Don't try to rationalize decisions that some people just WANT. It's simple, gut instinct to want to perpetuate the species. Someone asked me to lay out the case for marriage not too long ago. I couldn't do it - the case sucks. I'd never rate marriage a "buy", but I am married and wouldn't change it. It's not quantifiable. On paper, it makes no fucking sense. You don't want / can't justify a child -great. It's better you figure it out now rather than afterwards.
2) Every generation thinks the one after it sucks. We all know this. I view the "world/society sucks, I can't bring a child into this world" argument in a similar light. History is filled with similar thoughts/quotes. If my kid's comp group keeps getting shittier, it's easier for him to outperform.
3) Danny is one of the smartest people you know - I'm sorry.
This is a great post. 1: completely true. I'm not set in my ways, I'm just looking for more perspectives, because I've started becoming disillusioned. I guess it has been a big topic the last few months as some of my friends try so hard to have kids, some with success, others without; so I've been really thinking about how it relates to my life.
My little guy is a week old today and I already have a blast with him. I can't wait till he's old enough to fish, hunt, shoot, wrench ect... With that said I do believe I'm a one and done type person. He came out with a full head of platinum blonde hair and he will have dark blue eyes. I don't want to roll the dice and end up with a blonde haired little girl that ends up with DD titties like her mama.