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At what age is it Ok to let your kids cuss, not to you but between friends?

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  • At what age is it Ok to let your kids cuss, not to you but between friends?

    I have a 15yr old daughter who last year decided she wants to live with me which im totally happy about, we had a little rough patch to start out but things have gotten a whole lot better now that she's settled in. The issue inst really with me but her mother, I wont go into detail about her or her parenting skills or how she has not returned a dime of the child support they've been taking from me since she moved in. BUT my kid has a Fb account and she added her mom and in the middle of the night I get like 6 texts from her mom of screenshots of my kid's chats with her friends. She isn't starting any shit or causing trouble but just responding with "i look like ass" or "I cuss I've said Fuck before" or shit or whatever... in the span of 2 months there was a total of 5 curse words in the posts... and this is a huge problem with her mom. I told her i didn't care because at her age i was cussing with my friends. Am I wrong in thinking this is Ok?

    I'm at work so please ignore spelling, punctuation or capitalization errors.

    Thanks Randy

  • #2
    It's up to you, you're the parent. If it doesn't bother you, fine. I didn't pick up cussing until the Army and still won't curse in front of my mom. If the mom has an issue, then let her mom yell at her about it since you two aren't together.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #3
      Split parenting has got to be very difficult in these situations unless you and mom are open with each other and willing to parent as a team. At 15, I would say this is perfectly fine, but I have 2 boys, I don't know how I'd feel about it with girls?!
      Scott Ganow
      Lone Star Performance
      16300 Midway Rd
      Addison, TX 75001


      • #4
        Kids tend to over cuss (like the over-cusser on the Ticket? LOL), and it sounds awful when you overhear them. It's just another way for them to express themselves, unless it's directed at you. When my girls were that age, it was okay to cuss "with" me, but not "at" me.


        • #5
          I started cursing around 10 but never did it in front of my parents. Still won't curse in front of them to this day. I tell my son that if I ever hear him or see him cursing I'll smack him upside the head. Whatever he says around his friends is between them.
          Originally posted by talisman
          I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
          Originally posted by AdamLX
          If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
          Originally posted by Broncojohnny
          Because fuck you, that's why
          Originally posted by 80coupe
          nice dick, Idrivea4banger
          Originally posted by Rick Modena
          ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
          Originally posted by Jester
          Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


          • #6
            Pics of ex wife?


            • #7
              my dad knew I was a potty mouth, but made sure to have a conversation with me about watching it around my mom.

              He also advised me to watch your language online, emials, texts, etc so that it wouldnt be anywhere written. Might have a chat with your daughter the same way, let her know that having it out there for the world to see isnt a good thing, and that will be a valuable lesson going forward.
              "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


              • #8
                At 15 you have bigger battles to fight than a word slipping up here and there, especially with a girl. If she isn't dropping F bombs left and right and knows the difference between when it is "ok" and inappropriate then let it be. She's only at home for 2-3 more years for you to teach her the way of the world and the world isn't going to care if she says "shit." Tell your ex to look at the orders and it says for each parent to parent how they see fit....or at least mine does. Tell her this isn't something you feel as if you need to be a "team" on and let her explain to your daughter that is isn't allowed when she is with her.


                • #9
                  Let them post here if they wanna swear.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TeeShock View Post
                    Let them post here if they wanna swear.
                    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                    • #11
                      I said minor cusswords at 15. Didn't get a really dirty mouth till I turned 20. That said, I come from a cuss happy family.


                      • #12
                        I told my daughter that I'm not going to try and make her not cuss, but I've always harped on the standpoint of how I raised her and how she acts in public is a reflection of that, and IF I EVER catch wind that she's embarrassing me some how by cussing retardedly or by doing something that goes against how I raised her, then having to deal with me afterwards would be far worse than her potty mouth.

                        In reality, my goal was to just make her not sound like an idiot. I cuss, my bother and I started cussing when I was about 11-12. I wouldn't dare cuss in front of my parents even to this day out of sheer respect, and I expect the same out of her.

                        Now that my daughter is 19, I know she cusses...not that I care, but I think I've instilled in her brain to not embarrass me or dissappoint me.

                        I guess my point is if she's going to cuss, you're not going to stop her. You just have to find a way to meet in the middle.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by downshift_me View Post
                          At 15 you have bigger battles to fight than a word slipping up here and there, especially with a girl. If she isn't dropping F bombs left and right and knows the difference between when it is "ok" and inappropriate then let it be. She's only at home for 2-3 more years for you to teach her the way of the world and the world isn't going to care if she says "shit." Tell your ex to look at the orders and it says for each parent to parent how they see fit....or at least mine does. Tell her this isn't something you feel as if you need to be a "team" on and let her explain to your daughter that is isn't allowed when she is with her.

                          and this times eleventy billion


                          • #14
                            Stop asking parental advise on a website. Especially THIS one.


                            • #15
                              Not that I am a parent, but have had a hand in raising my little sister, and I'd say pick your battles(in other words, let it be). She's at the age where a lot of other things are going to start coming up and if you've already drawn a line in the sand between you and her for something like cussing its going to strain the relationship.

                              Now that being said, cussing in front of or AT you is a different thing. Once again I'm not a parent, thats just my take on it. I was cussing at 15 and probably earlier.

