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Old lady dies in nursing home because Nurse refuses CPR, cites company policy.

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  • SS Junk
    Is there something in the policy that was initially signed by the family which stated CPR was prohibited due to risk of injury to the patient? If so, ain't nothing no one can do. Supposedly the family is not in disagreement on how this was handled.

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  • 01yz2nv
    This is British, but you get the idea.

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  • Probie
    The way we were taught to remember hand placement

    When you put your right hand on the patient and your left hand on top of that

    When your left arm is closest to their head, your ring finger on your right hand should be in line with the nipple with the heel of your hand in the center of the chest.
    If your right arm is closest to their head then put your index finger on your right hand in line with the nipple with the heel of your hand in the center of the chest.

    When you put your left hand down with your right hand on top of that

    When your left arm is closest to their head line your index finger on your left hand up with the nipple, heel in the center of the chest.

    When your right arm is closest to the head line your ring finger up with the nipple, heel in the center of the chest.
    Last edited by Probie; 03-05-2013, 09:05 AM.

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  • 8mpg
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    I told the wife if I'm dead again, bring me back because it worked so well last time. If I remember during training it was 3 compresses, then a breath, then back to compresses and worked best if you had a battle buddy helping you because doing that is exhausting.

    Did learn a valuable lesson, I kept popping the lungs out of the child dolls. You cannot blow into their mouth as hard as you think you should. Doesn't work man, it's game over man, game over.
    30:2 but you dont even need to do the breathing...its been a long while since you have done any CPR trainging. I dont think it has been 3:1 in the last 10+ years.

    Originally posted by Chili View Post
    Yeah, same thing I remember.. 1...2...3... Breath. And they said you would likely hear / feel ribs breaking. I know that when using the dummy you had to push pretty hard to get the light. Location, 2-3" above the sternum? Man, I need a refresher. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it today.
    I 1-2 fingers above the xypohiod process. Compress 2-3" on an adult

    Originally posted by hotrod66stang View Post
    LMAO. If there isn't a pulse, YOU'RE DEAD. How are you going to harm a dead person? Yes, you're going to break ribs if you're doing CPR correctly, especially on an older person. If she didn't have a DNR, SHE WANTED TO LIVE, regardless of how any of us might perceive it or feel about our own lives. If damage was done, but she pulls through, that's what she wanted. I've done CPR more times than I care to count, and very rarely do you get a save, but at least you try. I mean, don't be a "nurse" to just collect a paycheck for fuck's sake.

    For the record, nurses at nursing homes are glorified pill-pushers and the most worthless people in healthcare I've come across. All of the excuses for the nurse are total b.s..
    Really, she was worried about the blood? She doesn't know where any gloves are in that entire place?

    She might not know if the lady has a DNR? Only if she didn't WANT to know. That shit is a keystroke away, and at a lot nursing homes the nurses carry radios with them.

    The nurse was bound by her S.O.P.s set forth by her medical director, probably (so she didn't do anything wrong according to her employer), but it's also obvious that she didn't WANT to help.
    Just because someone isnt a DNR doesnt mean they wanted to live. Many people have not given it the thought. Im not sure if you are EMS or not, but on my side (ICU) we save a lot of people that say we shouldnt have bothered. They would have been happier dead.

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  • Probie
    Breathing isn't as important. The main thing you need to know is do compressions at a rate of 100 per minute. If you choose to do breaths it's 2 breaths every 30 compressions.

    I would highly recommend taking a refresher. It doesn't cost much and it doesn't take that long
    Last edited by Probie; 03-05-2013, 01:41 AM.

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  • Chili
    Originally posted by CJ View Post
    I believe breathing is no longer a part of modern CPR.
    Yeah, same I have read.

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  • CJ
    I believe breathing is no longer a part of modern CPR.

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  • Chili
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    I told the wife if I'm dead again, bring me back because it worked so well last time. If I remember during training it was 3 compresses, then a breath, then back to compresses and worked best if you had a battle buddy helping you because doing that is exhausting.

    Did learn a valuable lesson, I kept popping the lungs out of the child dolls. You cannot blow into their mouth as hard as you think you should. Doesn't work man, it's game over man, game over.
    Yeah, same thing I remember.. 1...2...3... Breath. And they said you would likely hear / feel ribs breaking. I know that when using the dummy you had to push pretty hard to get the light. Location, 2-3" above the sternum? Man, I need a refresher. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it today.

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by Chili View Post
    It's been a while since I have taken CPR classes / combat lifesaving, but even when you did do the breathing, it was always between compression. So a chest compression should not "push" anything into the one doing mouth to mouth, because they should not be doing it at the same time as a compression. Or am I misreading what you are saying?

    BTW, if I get to the point where I'm placed into an assisted living facility, I would expect to be under a DNR, so this would be a non-issue.
    I told the wife if I'm dead again, bring me back because it worked so well last time. If I remember during training it was 3 compresses, then a breath, then back to compresses and worked best if you had a battle buddy helping you because doing that is exhausting.

    Did learn a valuable lesson, I kept popping the lungs out of the child dolls. You cannot blow into their mouth as hard as you think you should. Doesn't work man, it's game over man, game over.

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  • Probie
    Originally posted by hotrod66stang View Post
    LMAO. If there isn't a pulse, YOU'RE DEAD. How are you going to harm a dead person? Yes, you're going to break ribs if you're doing CPR correctly, especially on an older person. If she didn't have a DNR, SHE WANTED TO LIVE, regardless of how any of us might perceive it or feel about our own lives. If damage was done, but she pulls through, that's what she wanted. I've done CPR more times than I care to count, and very rarely do you get a save, but at least you try. I mean, don't be a "nurse" to just collect a paycheck for fuck's sake.

    For the record, nurses at nursing homes are glorified pill-pushers and the most worthless people in healthcare I've come across. All of the excuses for the nurse are total b.s..
    Really, she was worried about the blood? She doesn't know where any gloves are in that entire place?

    She might not know if the lady has a DNR? Only if she didn't WANT to know. That shit is a keystroke away, and at a lot nursing homes the nurses carry radios with them.

    The nurse was bound by her S.O.P.s set forth by her medical director, probably (so she didn't do anything wrong according to her employer), but it's also obvious that she didn't WANT to help.
    Last edited by Probie; 03-05-2013, 12:34 AM.

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  • hotrod66stang
    Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
    It is brutal and would more than likely done more harm than good.
    LMAO. If there isn't a pulse, YOU'RE DEAD. How are you going to harm a dead person? Yes, you're going to break ribs if you're doing CPR correctly, especially on an older person. If she didn't have a DNR, SHE WANTED TO LIVE, regardless of how any of us might perceive it or feel about our own lives. If damage was done, but she pulls through, that's what she wanted. I've done CPR more times than I care to count, and very rarely do you get a save, but at least you try. I mean, don't be a "nurse" to just collect a paycheck for fuck's sake.

    For the record, nurses at nursing homes are glorified pill-pushers and the most worthless people in healthcare I've come across. All of the excuses for the nurse are total b.s..
    Really, she was worried about the blood? She doesn't know where any gloves are in that entire place?

    She might not know if the lady has a DNR? Only if she didn't WANT to know. That shit is a keystroke away, and at a lot nursing homes the nurses carry radios with them.

    The nurse was bound by her S.O.P.s set forth by her medical director, probably (so she didn't do anything wrong according to her employer), but it's also obvious that she didn't WANT to help.

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  • Chili
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    If memory serves, during EIB training they warned us that the gasses pushed out of someone who isn't breathing can make you sick to your stomach if you're doing mouth to mouth. I didn't know about the reserve. That's handy to know. Any idea what kind of reserve we're talking about? A minute? Two?
    It's been a while since I have taken CPR classes / combat lifesaving, but even when you did do the breathing, it was always between compression. So a chest compression should not "push" anything into the one doing mouth to mouth, because they should not be doing it at the same time as a compression. Or am I misreading what you are saying?

    BTW, if I get to the point where I'm placed into an assisted living facility, I would expect to be under a DNR, so this would be a non-issue.

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  • racrguy
    Originally posted by yellowstang View Post
    Fuck, if I make it to 87, don't try CPR on me either, whether or not I need it.
    I'm like George Carlin on this issue "Fuck that macho 'pull my plug' bullshit. Saaaaavvve my ass! If I got holes where there ain't supposed to be. PLUG 'EM! Tubes, plugs, cords, hoses. STICK 'EM IN ME! I want to LIVE!"

    I do not fear death, but that doesn't mean I want to die, either. lol

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
    You are correct. The lungs have a reserve and can last for a bit and circulate oxygen. That being said, while you compress their chest, their lungs move as well, thus causing some breathing. THey also said doing mouth to mouth with a stranger is fucking disgusting.
    If memory serves, during EIB training they warned us that the gasses pushed out of someone who isn't breathing can make you sick to your stomach if you're doing mouth to mouth. I didn't know about the reserve. That's handy to know. Any idea what kind of reserve we're talking about? A minute? Two?

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  • 8mpg
    You are correct. The lungs have a reserve and can last for a bit and circulate oxygen. That being said, while you compress their chest, their lungs move as well, thus causing some breathing. THey also said doing mouth to mouth with a stranger is fucking disgusting.

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