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Teen killed in fort worth by train.

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  • Teen killed in fort worth by train.

    Shocking that being lazy and not walking half a mile to go thru proper crossroads can cost you your life.

    A teenager was hit and killed by a freight train on Sunday after crossing between cars of a stopped train on another track.

    A teenager was hit and killed by a freight train Sunday afternoon in south Fort Worth.

    The accident, according to Union Pacific Railroad, happened around 2:30 p.m. a half mile north of Sycamore School Road near Hallmark Park.

    Fort Worth Police called it a "tragic accident."

    Fort Worth police spokesman Sgt. Kelly Peel said that five boys were crossing through a stopped train Sunday afternoon.

    "We think they were going to a neighborhood store from their neighborhood," Sgt. Peel said.

    He said the boys were crossing in-between two of the cars. Four of the boys made it across safely, but a northbound train on an adjacent track hit the fifth boy before he could cross.

    Union Pacific says that boy was 16-years-old. The railroad told NBC 5 the engineer sounded the whistle and the emergency brake was applied, but the brake often takes a mile before stopping a train. The teen was hit and killed by the locomotive. Three crew members were onboard, but uninjured.

    "This is a very said situation for everyone involved," spokeswoman Raquel Espinoza said.

    Espinoza said the three crew members would be reached out to by the company if they have any problems related to the accident.

    Police homicide detectives assisted Union Pacific Police in the investigation and could be seen talking to several teenagers around the accident scene on Sunday afternoon.

    Espinoza says the only safe and legal place to cross railroad tracks is at a designated crossing, where the tracks are typically even with the road and have appropriate gates, signs and flashing lights. She says anyone crossing at any other location or on any railroad equipment is trespassing.

    "It's very dangerous to cross the railroad tracks, especially through a train that's stopped because you don't know what's on the other side," Sgt. Peel said.

    Sgt. Peel said police have had issues with children playing on the tracks in the past, but was unaware of any recent calls. The tracks are located near several athletic fields.

    The teenager has not yet been identified. The investigation into the accident is continuing.

  • #2
    Never understod why someone would try to beat the train. Either cross tracks when the train is a long ways away or wait til it passes.

    Sad that a rash decision cost the boy his life though.


    • #3
      Originally posted by sc281 View Post
      Never understod why someone would try to beat the train. Either cross tracks when the train is a long ways away or wait til it passes.

      Sad that a rash decision cost the boy his life though.
      Sounds like he just didn't realize the train was coming, not trying to beat it, but we'll never know.


      • #4
        Sucks the kid died, but play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ratt View Post
          Sounds like he just didn't realize the train was coming, not trying to beat it, but we'll never know.
          Maybe I am missing part of the story. I can hear the train from the tracks a mile and a half from my house, when it's not blowing the horns. I would think I could hear a train close enough to take my head off.


          • #6
            Hopefully he got knocked out quick and didnt feel anything. I best his buddies are traumatized for life. I can only imagine what the scene looked like.
            ./ ____ _ _\.
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            God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8


            • #7
              I wouldn't call it lazy. More like peer preasure from the group. Off topic, I always thought the tracks in downtown Carrollton were a bit dangerous since they didn't have gates to stop traffic. This was years ago and they may have put some up by now.


              • #8
                Sorry for the parents lost, but I am sure those other teens should have wait a trim is coming. Guess he thought he could beat it


                • #9
                  As I understand there are two sets of tracks and on one set a train was parked. The kids passed through it, either they crawled under or between cars and it was the second set of tracks the other train came through and BAM! heads roll. Nonetheless, how the heck can all of the teens claimed none of them heard the other train? Kinda thinking they were "coached" to claim they didn't hear it to support a lawsuit.


                  • #10
                    "The train had knocked Ray Brower out of his Keds the same way it had knocked the life out of his body."
                    When the government pays, the government controls.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                      "The train had knocked Ray Brower out of his Keds the same way it had knocked the life out of his body."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cannon88 View Post
                        That a kid died?????


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CJ-95GT View Post
                          That a kid died?????


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                            Sounds like he just didn't realize the train was coming, not trying to beat it, but we'll never know.
                            How do you not realize it? It's huge, loud, and can only come from two directions.


                            • #15
                              Kids do stupid shit, just a shame sometimes that they don't get to live to learn from their mistakes.
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.

