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First manned mission to Mars 2018

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  • First manned mission to Mars 2018

    Vowing to inspire “all Americans,” the world’s first space tourist, Dennis Tito, is set to announce a plan Wednesday for a “high risk” human mission to Mars. It would launch, by necessity of orbital mechanics, in January 2018.

    Now all Tito needs is a billion dollars, give or take. And a big rocket. And a spaceship.

    A meteor that scientists estimate weighed 10 tons streaked at supersonic speed and exploded over Russia’s Ural Mountains recently, setting off blasts that shattered glass and brought down walls, injuring hundreds of people and frightening countless more.

    “It’s not nuts,” said one of Tito’s team of aerospace industry advisers ahead of an afternoon press briefing in Washington. “This is possible.”

    The “Mission for America” would be a two-person, budget-class fly-by of the red planet. There will be no landing. No footprints and flags in ruddy soil, no rock-grabbing, no search for fossils.

    This is strictly a blink-and-you-miss-it trip to Earth’s neighbor and back again. The 501-day journey would be about the quickest available with current rockets.

    Only celestial harmony makes such a plan feasible: A once-every-15-years alignment of Earth and Mars. With the two planets’ orbits pinching as close as they ever do, a so-called low-energy trajectory could shoot a modest craft to Mars and back with minimal fuel.

    Tito, 72, won’t fly the mission. Instead, he will send a man and woman — preferably married — to fairly represent humanity, said a person familiar with the plan who asked for anonymity because the public announcement has not yet been made.

    A news release announcing the Inspiration Mars mission said the first human trip beyond the moon would “encourage all Americans to believe again in doing the hard things that make our nation great.”

    While NASA is not funding the mission, Tito recently briefed agency leadership. “NASA will continue discussions with Inspiration Mars to see how the agency might collaborate on mutually-beneficial activities,” said NASA spokesperson David Weaver.

    The hardware required includes a capsule for launching and landing, a habitat module and a big rocket or several small ones.

    Industry experts said Tito’s team has been in talks with several “new space” companies such as Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, as well as established aerospace contractors such as Boeing to supply the rocket and spaceship.

    Tito has assembled a team that includes experts in life support systems and space medicine. A team at NASA Ames Research Center in California has already begun work on a heat shield to protect the Mars ship from the fastest atmospheric reentry ever attempted.

    A technical paper Tito and his team will present at an aerospace conference next week suggests flying a modified Dragon capsule built by SpaceX, the commercial company set to launch its third non-crewed supply run to the space station on Friday. A human-rated Dragon may be available as soon as 2015, but a company spokeswoman said there was no deal in place with Tito’s group.

    The mission — if Tito can pull it off — would break the deep-space barrier for the first time and reshuffle the possibilities for human space travel. The last time humans sailed beyond Earth orbit was the final Apollo moon mission in 1972.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2


    • #3
      So that is when society ends...


      • #4
        no way in hell. Could a married couple make it confined in a small space for 501 days.

        One of them will be killed.


        • #5


          • #6
            Red rocks!


            • #7
              We suck at space travel. I would not want to go until we have the technology to cruise back into the atmosphere, rather than coming in at a nut burning 17k miles per hour plus. Hoping like hell we don't over shoot the runway or land in the ocean as shark bait.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
                That bitch is hawt!


                • #9
                  Why even go if you're not gonna stop and party?


                  • #10
                    Two weeeeeaaaaeeeeeeaaaakssss!! Two weeeeeeaaaaaaaeaeeeeaksssssssssss!!


                    • #11
                      We all know the main reason for the husband/wife team is for a detailed report on zero g sex.
                      I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                      Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SSMAN View Post
                        That bitch is hawt!
                        And this is what she'll do to you if you piss her off.


                        • #13
                          DILLON!! You son of a bitch!


                          • #14
                            Another fake landing to be announced... Stay tuned.
                            ./ ____ _ _\.
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                            God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8

