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  • #31
    AL, I normally agree with you when you post up, but in this case, fuck off you cheap bastard.

    Dont try and turn this into a betrayal of Jose by the folks that didnt want to put up with the BS on the other site and came here. Jose got the news at the same time we did, this board was started. I understand that Jose has a job to worry about, but why he has to go start his own board after being hosed over by chris when this one is here is just baffling most of us.
    "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


    • #32
      i go where my nigga goes. let me know jose


      • #33
        Originally posted by AL P
        Maybe Kyle should have gotten ahold of Jose and talked to him.

        Instead you guys instigated a mass exodus to this site without talking to the guy who gave you your "community" to begin with.
        When we were making moves and Tyler was setting everything up, Jose made it clear on DFWS that he clearly wanted his own deal. He said at that time he had something in the works.

        I will say again that he is welcome here and I don't have a problem with letting him be an Admin. I'll give him my place as Admin on this site and would be glad to do it. I don't have any ownership in this site and that's something he will have to talk to Tyler about if he wants ownership. I don't have Jose's number anymore since its been years since we rode together, but if anyone on here wants to give it to me in a PM, Tyler and I will gladly call him to see if he wants to come on board.
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        • #34
          Originally posted by 90GT50
          Jose still hasn't said shit that I've seen or heard of, other than "I'm working on it". So, spill the beans.
          From what I heard he's going to create something along the lines of whatever (since no one has mustangs only anymore anyways).

          Jose was the man, I figure he would run a great site still along the same lines as the last one and I would follow him to the new site as he always had the best interest of the community in mind at all times.

          No offense to the guys who put this one together but you go with who you know and who you trust and that seems to be Jose for most of the long time members.

          If Jose says F it, is good enough for me, then I'm all for this site and donating to help it out. But Why put too much effort and money into this site if it's not going to survive due to the Evil One trumping the start up.


          • #35
            What DJ said. The main purpose of this board was to continue what dfwstangs had, and it's working perfect so far, so why change? Jose's cool and all, but it's nothing against him.


            • #36
              it's only been 3 days, you guys act like you can't live without a messageboard in your life


              • #37
                I think Jose and whomever set all this up needs to have a sit down convo and go from there.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by talisman
                  I thought you guys would be happy about this. We got sold out, and apparently Jose didn't have the clout he thought he did, otherwise he wouldn't have found out the same way the rest of us did. He is being offered the EXACT same position he held on stangs. I know these guys, and they're just trying to keep the community together. They don't have some ulterior motive of..whatever you guys are thinking.
                  Maybe being recently fucked over by someone he considered a good friend, might have him jaded


                  • #39
                    Big Matt isn't coming here unless this becomes the permanent option, and I know Boosted and a few others feel the same way.

                    If Jose gets his site up within the next few days, or joins up here, that's his call


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by RyanB
                      Maybe being recently fucked over by someone he considered a good friend, might have him jaded

                      I agree. I think it would be awesome if he and Tyler got together about this site and hammered out some type of agreement. I don't understand why anyone would want to make this more complicated and start some cliquish board war, when most of the major posters are already over here. Look how much effort these guys have put into this place in just a day, getting everyone their join dates and postcounts reinstated.


                      • #41
                        I think if ownership of this site was turned over to Jose, how could he have an issue with that? I mean look at all the work that has already been done, that's a huge help. And if some money needs to be put out for that to happen, I'm sure the members would take care of it.

                        It seems this is headed to a political type thing, which I really don't get, as tight knit as this board is.


                        • #42
                          I think Jose wants total control, especially since the recent fuck over


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by RyanB
                            I think Jose wants total control, especially since the recent fuck over

                            Why not offer to buy the site from Tyler for whatever startup costs were incurred? Most of the hard work is already done, and he is going to have to pay startup costs on a new website anyway.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by talisman
                              Why not offer to buy the site from Tyler for whatever startup costs were incurred? Most of the hard work is already done, and he is going to have to pay startup costs on a new website anyway.
                              Why the fuck does it matter to you what he does?

                              Jose is going to do whatever Jose wants to do. Maybe Tyler should have contacted him instead of jumping the gun and building a new site?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by talisman
                                Why not offer to buy the site from Tyler for whatever startup costs were incurred? Most of the hard work is already done, and he is going to have to pay startup costs on a new website anyway.
                                I'm sure the board would pitch in towards that, I know I would!

