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Another "first car" thread...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
    i would think a rwd truck would be just as sketchy as a rwd gt. My 94 silverado was an unintentional burnout machine lol
    Yeah, I have definitely thought about that aspect, but the hope would be that he would be less likely to think he's a badass racerboy. Although I do understand they do that with any car. lol

    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    I think a V-6 Escape is the way to go. Decent milage, space, cheapish. Xterra's are for 19 year old girls.
    Lmao, an Escape is just as "girly" as an Xterra.

    Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
    I hear Don has a deal on Festivas...
    I couldn't send him down that road in good conscience.

    Originally posted by Baron View Post
    I had a 97 v8 Explorer that was fun, roomy to move around in, etc. You can get a nice one for what he is able to spend.
    Kinda my thinking, and from what I understand they are pretty reliable. Only worry there is fuel mileage.

    Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
    Dude, just get him a GT. And make it a stick, every MAN should know how to drive a stick. It's not really that fast, but it sounds good and looks good and he'll think it's fast. Plus it sends a signal to him that you have a little bit of trust that he won't F up.

    Don't get him a V6 Mustang. Oh man can you imagine how much you would HATE to drive around in an old shitbox V6 Mustang? Don't do that to your son.

    But then again, I think everyone should own a fullsize truck when they're young and have friends and are moving around all the time. I think you're on the right track. Just let him drive a couple of different cars and see what he thinks.
    Haha, I agree with you for the most part. Even though the older GT's are pretty weak in the overall scheme of things, I just worry that even that would be too much for him to handle with so little experience.

    He came up with the V6 idea, and although I have not expressed your thought about them, I really feel the same way.

    I do really like the truck idea, and really do want him to have a stick. Unfortunately Leah and I, and him mother all have autos, so I don't even have anything I can teach him on. He knows I would prefer he get a stick, and I have explained why (that everyone needs to know how to drive one), and he is on-board.

    Of course the first regular cab PU he came up with was a Dodge Ram, and everyone I know that has or has had one has complained about the shitty quality.

    I learned and did all of my driving til 18 in a V6 4X4 regular cab short bed Ranger. That is what I would like to seem him in.. Well, not necessarily the 4X4 V6 part, just because he really won't need it. That was just my dad's DD at the time. My parents didn't give me a car so I just had to borrow his on weekends and wait until I was in the Army and saved up the money on my own.


    • #47
      I don't know, I had my 66 and a 89 5.0 at 18 going into the Navy and never F'd them up. I'd say if you doubt him get an S10/Ranger. Plenty out there for cheap, a lot of them in wrecking yards to pull parts from and haul most anything for various projects.
      Putting warheads on foreheads since 2004

      Pro-Touring Build


      • #48
        If he wants a GT mustang, why not get a SN95 GT and keep it stock? My 5 speed vert ran 15.8 @87, not exactly going to get him killed and an automatic will be even slower. Hell, most of todays 4 bangers will run faster than that.

        If not, just get a 4cyl beater.


        • #49
          Originally posted by jakesford View Post
          4cyl manual Honda accord or civic... At least he can learn to drive a manual and they are reliable, good mpg, and easy and cheap to fix. If he wants a v8 mustang let him buy it on his own down the road when he can appreciate it.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
            We had one, two tanks lasted him about two weeks, it got about 16 mpg. If Craig wants to get his son a bitch car or truck*, I guess go ahead.

            *Like a 2003 Ranger Edge Ext cab with a 4.0 V-6
            you would be the expert in all things "bitch" i guess.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
              you would be the expert in all things "bitch" i guess.

              Originally posted by Silverback
              Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


              • #52
                Originally posted by YOLO View Post
                I wouldn't get him a GT, if there was a remote chance I'd be paying insurance on it. Guaranteed doubling, possibly tripling household insurance rates for liability only? Fuuuuuuuuck that. And if he gets busted racing it (in what would constitute the absolute loosest sense of the term), enjoy SR-22 rates for a teenager. Get him a 4-banger, 4-door Accord or Camry. They are practical beyond man's understanding of the word. He can get his own toy when he can afford it.

                Sidebar: make a condition of the free car that he has to pass the personal finance and intro to financial accounting courses on Coursera. That's what I'd do.
                Insurance and space are still big issues with the Mustang.

                Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                shoulda kept the bronco
                That was the original plan, though I was a little worried about rollovers and overall safety. Ultimately we decided against that mainly because I needed to upgrade, he wasn't ready to start driving, and I didn't want to sit on it for 6 months to a year.

                Originally posted by akfodysvn View Post
                He's going to be 18 and in the Navy... he's not going to give a SHIT about space in the vehicle. He's going to care about getting laid and partying with his shipmates. The Navy will move everything so that's no worry, and someone will have a truck/suv if he needs it.

                The young man already has a good head on his shoulders with the decision to join at this age... not to mention you're obviously a father w/ a good head on your shoulders from the stuff I've seen you post. He will take after you and make mistakes like we all did.

                Most of us started driving before that age... get him what you see fit, but make him respect the vehicle no matter what. If you are dead set on no V8 then don't let it happen, make him wait to buy it when he joins the Navy... because he will.

                Personally I think you've punished him enough not letting him drive sooner, lol. Get him the v8, many of us responsible individuals had them at 16 and were fine. I caused more trouble in my 85 corolla than I did in my first foxbody. It's all about the lessons you've instilled in him and the fear of God you put into him before he hits the road.
                He didn't get his license at 16 (last July) because of his grades last year. He knew the deal well in advanced and did not bring the grades up so no drivers ed, license, car, etc. The delay was all on him so I have no guilt.

                I was talking to him about it last night and basically said that once you are in the Navy and away from home you can do whatever you like. If you want a project or toy, go for it, or if you want to sell what you have to upgrade, that's all you.

                Originally posted by jakesford View Post
                4cyl manual Honda accord or civic... At least he can learn to drive a manual and they are reliable, good mpg, and easy and cheap to fix. If he wants a v8 mustang let him buy it on his own down the road when he can appreciate it.
                This was my first instinct but I did a lot of looking at Civics and Accords in that budget and they just all looked like big piles of shit.

                Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                a two seater anything... he comes from Craig's loins, it's not like he's gonna be getting a lot of chicks or anything
                Suck a bag of dicks!

                Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
                Early\Mid 2000s 4 banger Ranger with a standard transmission

                Inexpensive, good on gas, reliable, and they hold up really well even when you beat them to shit.
                That would be my #1 choice for him.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post

                  really though for a bitch truck, it was a good ass truck.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                    really though for a bitch truck, it was a good ass truck.
                    I know, I bought my daughter her first vehicle and it was a 2000 Ranger Flareside (reg cab) with the 4.0 V-6, it hauled ass and I drove it quite a bit to pick up parts, etc.
                    Originally posted by Silverback
                    Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                      I know, I bought my daughter her first vehicle and it was a 2000 Ranger Flareside (reg cab) with the 4.0 V-6, it hauled ass and I drove it quite a bit to pick up parts, etc.
                      SOHC engine? I was driving a 97 Explorer sport with the 4.0L SOHC and it would keep up with my 96 GT. Only problem with that engine is it's ass backward timing chain setup.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                        I know, I bought my daughter her first vehicle and it was a 2000 Ranger Flareside (reg cab) with the 4.0 V-6, it hauled ass and I drove it quite a bit to pick up parts, etc.
                        lol i suprised a few people from the light in that thing.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by JC316 View Post
                          SOHC engine? I was driving a 97 Explorer sport with the 4.0L SOHC and it would keep up with my 96 GT. Only problem with that engine is it's ass backward timing chain setup.
                          i think the SOHC 4.0 was offered in the ranger from 2001+


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                            lol i suprised a few people from the light in that thing.
                            The one I learned in was an 85 with the V6 and it ran decent for what it was. Not sure what kind of V6 they used in them back then (just know it was EFI). It was also pretty capable off-road for what it was. Spent a lot of time tooling around on logging roads back in WA with it.


                            • #59
                              i still think the 85 Nova solves all your problems. cheap insurance, uncool car for the other kids to stay away. can only go about 55.



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Chili View Post
                                The one I learned in was an 85 with the V6 and it ran decent for what it was. Not sure what kind of V6 they used in them back then (just know it was EFI). It was also pretty capable off-road for what it was. Spent a lot of time tooling around on logging roads back in WA with it.
                                probably the 2.9 which is somewhat of a turd.

