Originally posted by Pro88LX
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Originally posted by talisman
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Originally posted by juiceweezl
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Originally posted by Baron
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Originally posted by 46Tbird
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He came up with the V6 idea, and although I have not expressed your thought about them, I really feel the same way.
I do really like the truck idea, and really do want him to have a stick. Unfortunately Leah and I, and him mother all have autos, so I don't even have anything I can teach him on. He knows I would prefer he get a stick, and I have explained why (that everyone needs to know how to drive one), and he is on-board.
Of course the first regular cab PU he came up with was a Dodge Ram, and everyone I know that has or has had one has complained about the shitty quality.
I learned and did all of my driving til 18 in a V6 4X4 regular cab short bed Ranger. That is what I would like to seem him in.. Well, not necessarily the 4X4 V6 part, just because he really won't need it. That was just my dad's DD at the time. My parents didn't give me a car so I just had to borrow his on weekends and wait until I was in the Army and saved up the money on my own.