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found out my stolen vehicle is in the impound.

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  • found out my stolen vehicle is in the impound.

    My bike was jacked from my work at about 5:10am back in June. Looked and looked and never found anything.

    Today, got a letter in the mail from the Fort Worth Auto Impound. First I was like "wtf?", and then it hit it was prob my bike. Sure enough, open the letter and it said I was getting the letter because a vehicle last registered to me had been impounded, showing a Yamaha. It said I would need a title, certified copy of the title, or current registration to get it out, plus paying fees.
    I've moved since the bike was stolen, but always keep my paperwork and receipts in the same file folders I always have and just had the title was in Sept. But now, the thing is NOWHERE to be fucking found. And the registration prob got thrown out once it came in the mail since I figured I'd never see the bike again.

    Went up to the impound to see if I could at least get a view of the bike to have an idea how bad it is. Nope. They say I have to have the damn title. I have my state ID, old insurance for the bike, registration that was to expire in '12 after the bike was stolen, police report, etc, and they want the fucking title to see the bike. WTF.

    So...I have no experience with getting a new title or copy. Where can I go, preferably around Arlington?

    It's now killing me to know that my bike was found and has been sitting and I can't even see what condition it is in. I have no idea HOW it was found or where.

    which, brings up another point. the bike was impounded OCTOBER 17 2012!! How was the bike impounded and me not notified in a timely manner? Would it not have shown up as a stolen bike and them be able to contact the owner that it was stolen from? that sure as fuck happened with another bike.
    The letter has a list of fees to pay, as well as a damn $20/day storage fee. If I was notified that DAY, or even that month, I would've glady gone and picked it up. How do I go about dealing with that now?

    HD Parts

  • #2
    I think it's pretty fucking AWESOME that you've almost got it back. But it's shitty that you have to show all that shit. Good luck dude!

    Edit, just re-read the storage fee. Umm yeah that's fucking bullshit!


    • #3
      $135 towing fee
      $20 preservation charge
      $20 per day storage
      $50 notification fee
      HD Parts


      • #4
        Where was the police report filed? If somewhere other than Ft. Worth, they may be of some assistance. Is the impound part of the police system?

        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
        Originally posted by Leah
        Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


        • #5
          Title office right off 820 on the border of hurst, they can print you one same day.


          • #6
            Jimmy or Matt! Hook this nukka up!


            • #7
              Sounds to me like the city of Ft.Worth is trying to make money by delaying notification so the storage fees will be rediculous. I would start asking questions...depending on how much you want it back decides how much noise you make.


              • #8
                Originally posted by aCid View Post
                I think it's pretty fucking AWESOME that you've almost got it back. But it's shitty that you have to show all that shit. Good luck dude!
                yep. I even have both keys and the remote to the alarm. Just cant find the title for shit.
                HD Parts


                • #9
                  Yep, that is the Fort Worth police impound lot alright. That just freaking sucks. All impound lots obviously will wait to rack up fees on you.

                  I just can't believe you can't get a copy of the police report to show you reported it stolen. That is total bull shit that they are trying to hang you out to dry with your own property. We have one fucked up judicial system.


                  • #10
                    Go apply for a new title. It's easy. Once you get the form take it down to the place and it takes about 2 minutes after they call your name. I had to go to a place in Carrollton. Google how to file for a lost title and you should have all the info and can print off one of the forms to fill out.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 89stangGT View Post
                      yep. I even have both keys and the remote to the alarm. Just cant find the title for shit.
                      I bought a car from a guy that had lost his title he went up to the DMV in Arlington and got a certified copy and the original came in the mail a week later it cost him like $5-$20


                      • #12
                        I know when mine was recovered by dps. They called me the same night they found it. I did have to pay tow fee and one night storage. Getting the bike back was all handled through the tow co. And not dps. All I had to show was my ID. Hope it works out and the bike id in good shape.


                        • #13
                          PM sent.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 2000 vert View Post
                            I know when mine was recovered by dps. They called me the same night they found it. I did have to pay tow fee and one night storage. Getting the bike back was all handled through the tow co. And not dps. All I had to show was my ID. Hope it works out and the bike id in good shape.
                            Yep we notify the minute it is recovered. I have even had people come pic their cars up to save the tow fees. Unfortunately sometimes the phone call slips thru the cracks. I would call and see who was supposed to notify you, generally it will be on the follow up report but who knows. There is a good chance it sat at the pound until someone could properly identify it. I have seen some bikes that took a good while to ID. Go get the title then go up to the PD and ask some questions it never hurts. I know I would damn sure want to see if it was in good enough shape to pick up.
                            Whos your Daddy?


                            • #15
                              I hope I'm wrong, but I bet it's fubar'd. Good luck!

