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Serious Quetion... When Did your kiddos or nephews/neices start talking???

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  • #31
    My son said daddy (first word ) around six months . By two he had a better car vocabulary then most grown men . He is four now but if you were to talk to him you would never believe it . He knows all his colors , letters upper and lower case and can read quite well . He does math and has a firm understanding of the solar system . I have never spoken to him like a child . When he asks even a small question I give him the most complete answer I can and most times he gets it . He is a little sponge and I am going to soak him with as much info as he asks for . It also makes me smile when he talks about the race car he is going to build and goes into great detail about the motor , chassis and safety equipment he wants . Back on topic every kid develops at there own pace and the best you can do is feed them information and watch them take it and run .
    Big Rooster Racing

