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For those of you who despise red light cameras..

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  • #46
    Red light tickets are a scam. No cop - No ticket


    • #47
      Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post

      Does the court have to take a day off and come to you?
      So there it is.. Just goes to show you this is pure bullshit revenue generation and inconvenience. No real deterrent or prevention of anything.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
        So there it is.. Just goes to show you this is pure bullshit revenue generation and inconvenience. No real deterrent or prevention of anything.
        Statistics prove it to be revenue generation and inconvenience.


        • #49
          I just received another letter from balch springs saying that I'm being charged a penalty for not paying my ticket on time. It also said that if I miss payment again, it will go to some credit company.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Buzzo View Post
            the ticket was for one of my metal dealer plates, when I renew I can just say I lost the plate and they'll send me new one for 45.00. Jokes on that city!!
            That might work but don't they need your old plate # before they can issue a new one? When they look up the old plate it will have all the red light camera fines associated with it and they would require payment before issuing new plates...
            "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


            • #51
              Originally posted by BlackGT View Post
              That might work but don't they need your old plate # before they can issue a new one? When they look up the old plate it will have all the red light camera fines associated with it and they would require payment before issuing new plates...
              I can be issued up to 10 plates based on the amount of cars my dealership sales per year. I have two dealer license, so theres more plates. Now as for them checking the numbers before issuing new ones, that might be an issue, but you can mark them as lost or stolen and they will void the plate and reissue. If I really wanted to be an ass, I guess I could call DMV tomorrow and report the plate that was issued a ticket as lost and have it replaced before the city can report it to the state?


              • #52
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                You are right caseloads don't matter at all.

                I'd think that generally the police would be against red light cameras, for a couple of reasons. But DERP
                Really Alan?

                What do u think the motivation for me giving you guys an option?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
                  So there it is.. Just goes to show you this is pure bullshit revenue generation and inconvenience. No real deterrent or prevention of anything.
                  Maybe if you don't want the inconvenience, you won't run the light.

                  Deterrence maybe?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                    Maybe if you don't want the inconvenience, you won't run the light.

                    Deterrence maybe?
                    The only thing it's done is waste money and increase rear end collisions.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      The only thing it's done is waste money and increase rear end collisions.
                      I've gotten nailed once, so they've made at least $75 off me.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                        I've gotten nailed once, so they've made at least $75 off me.
                        Cool anecdotal evidence bra.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                          Really Alan?

                          What do u think the motivation for me giving you guys an option?
                          Yes Matt

                          Originally posted by racrguy
                          What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                          Originally posted by racrguy
                          Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                            Statistics prove it to be revenue generation and inconvenience.
                            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                            The only thing it's done is waste money and increase rear end collisions.
                            Actually in Phx/Scottsdale, it cut red light running so much, that the system was not paying at the rate that the city and the supplier initially figured, so the "fix" was to cut down the time delay so that more people were caught...the state (or fed) ruled that illegal.

                            So, they do tend to cut down the occurrences in that town anyway, and at least there, failed as revenue generators (actually costing tax payers to keep the system online). I tried to find links, but almost everything google returned was just like on here - people bitching about the tickets...

                            I've got one, and it sucked, but my biggest complaint was the way the system was "rigged" so that you had no option to contest. I would have lost, as the pics/video was pretty incriminating. I researched the "no contest" part before watching the vid.
                            sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
                            17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
                            13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
                            86 SVO - Sold
                            '03 F150 Supercrew - Sold
                            01 TJ - new toy - Sold
                            65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                              Yes Matt

                              Bitch puh-lease.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                                Bitch puh-lease.
                                You better not be on duty!

