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Employment question company bought out

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  • #31
    Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
    Examples of qualifying reasons are:

    * You were laid off due to lack of work.
    * You are still working but the employer reduced your hours. (Your reduction in hours must not be because of a disciplinary action.)
    * You were fired without work-related misconduct. Examples of misconduct are a violation of company policy; violation of law; neglect or mismanagement of your position; or failure to perform your work acceptably if you are capable of doing so.
    * You quit your job for a good well-documented work-related or medical reason. You should be prepared to present evidence that you tried to correct the problem before you quit. TWC may rule good cause if the work situation would cause a person who truly wants to keep the job to leave it.
    o Examples of possible good cause are unsafe working conditions or a significant change in hiring agreement, or not receiving payment for your work.
    o Examples of medical reasons are quitting on your doctor's advice, or quitting to provide care for a minor child who has a medically verifiable illness if there is no alternative care provider, or quitting to provide care for a terminally ill spouse if there is no alternative care provider. (Note: To receive benefits, you must meet the ongoing availability requirements detailed below.)
    * You quit to protect yourself from family violence or stalking, evidenced by an active or recently issued protective order, a police record documenting family violence or stalking directed against you, or medical documentation of family violence against you.
    You forgot the other part of that
    EDIT, nm, didnt sound like you were saying it applied here.

    Saying they cant find someone to watch the child isnt a good enough excuse(based on that text).

    The situation is total BS, but not much you can do about it.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Pooter View Post
      You forgot the other part of that
      EDIT, nm, didnt sound like you were saying it applied here.

      Saying they cant find someone to watch the child isnt a good enough excuse(based on that text).

      The situation is total BS, but not much you can do about it.
      Those are examples though, there were some others in my post. The point is there are reasons they would accept the unemployment even though you quit.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
        you dogg, i quit my job to make 1/3 of my take home on unemployment!

        fucking idiot

        That guy is winning the dumb comment award for today.

        BTW, LMK if you guys are hiring again in a while, but I ended up finding something on the REL side with B of A.

        Thanks again bro.


        • #34
          Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
          That guy is winning the dumb comment award for today.

          BTW, LMK if you guys are hiring again in a while, but I ended up finding something on the REL side with B of A.

          Thanks again bro.
          fo sho!

