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Employment question company bought out

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  • #16
    Your wife needs to talk to the TWC.. Some possible positive info:

    2. Your separation from your last work

    You must be unemployed or partially unemployed (reduced hours) through no fault of your own to receive benefits.

    Examples of qualifying reasons are:

    You were laid off due to lack of work.
    You are still working but the employer reduced your hours. (Your reduction in hours must not be because of a disciplinary action.)
    You were fired without work-related misconduct. Examples of misconduct are a violation of company policy; violation of law; neglect or mismanagement of your position; or failure to perform your work acceptably if you are capable of doing so.
    You quit your job for a good well-documented work-related or medical reason. You should be prepared to present evidence that you tried to correct the problem before you quit.
    TWC may rule good cause if the work situation would cause a person who truly wants to keep the job to leave it.
    Examples of possible good cause are unsafe working conditions or a significant change in hiring agreement, or not receiving payment for your work.
    Examples of medical reasons are quitting on your doctor's advice, or quitting to provide care for a minor child who has a medically verifiable illness if there is no alternative care provider, or quitting to provide care for a terminally ill spouse if there is no alternative care provider. (Note: To receive benefits, you must meet the ongoing availability requirements detailed below.)
    You quit to protect yourself from family violence or stalking, evidenced by an active or recently issued protective order, a police record documenting family violence or stalking directed against you, or medical documentation of family violence against you.


    • #17
      If she was there that long, paid that well, and allowed to work the schedule she wanted.......she must be good at her job. Just quit and go get another job in her field. Problem solved.


      • #18
        i got unemployment when i quit a job because a new GM came in and basically told me to start lying to customers or find another job. I told him to get fucked and quit that day.


        • #19
          Originally posted by FastFox View Post
          If she was there that long, paid that well, and allowed to work the schedule she wanted.......she must be good at her job. Just quit and go get another job in her field. Problem solved.
          No, make them fire you and collect unemployment while looking for another job. Now problem solved.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ratt View Post
            No, make them fire you and collect unemployment while looking for another job. Now problem solved.
            I don't know how anyone could live off unemployment.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Craizie View Post
              I don't know how anyone could live off unemployment.
              That's because it's supposed to be temporary. They have a second income, which is nice, so it will at least help if they fire her. If she quits she might not even be able to get unemployment.


              • #22
                In before some asshat starts talking about Texas being a right to work state.


                • #23
                  There may be a loophole. I know my last DM harped on all of us about availability on applications. For example, if someone listed that they could not work Sundays, but said in an interview they "preferred" not to work Sundays, they had to notate it on the application because it was a signed agreement that they were hired based on their availability and it made terminating them for limited availability more complicated from an HR standpoint. The only caveat is that my home office was based out of Texas, so I'm not sure if that was a factor.
                  I'm also assuming they will have her fill out a new application for them, so it may not be as much of a termination as a "fail to hire" if they don't keep her based on her availability. Stuff to talk to twc about.


                  • #24
                    If your job is materially changed due to a significant event and she is unable to fulfill the new duties placed upon her, she should be able to quit, get laid off, or terminated and ultimately get unemployment. TWC will advocate for the employee 99% of the time in situations like this and she will get unemployment. That said, it would be preferable for her to be laid off/terminated as it will be a bit cleaner than her up and quitting.

                    That said, if the employer doesn't term/lay her off, she doesn't have to work for $5/less and more hours. She should call the TWC to confirm, but I think she would be okay in quitting and getting unemployment due to the dramatic change in her job requirements/pay.


                    • #25
                      This is DFWMustangs, someone step up to the plate and buy this damn business and let Crooners wife work her normal schedule.

                      We're all bajillionaires, someone need another business to run?

                      Good luck tho, I have no useful input


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                        i got unemployment when i quit a job because a new GM came in and basically told me to start lying to customers or find another job. I told him to get fucked and quit that day.
                        I've never heard of anyone quitting a job and getting unemployment. Smells like b.s. unless they "fired" you for the comment above.
                        sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
                        17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
                        13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
                        86 SVO - Sold
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                        01 TJ - new toy - Sold
                        65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Chas_svo View Post
                          I've never heard of anyone quitting a job and getting unemployment. Smells like b.s. unless they "fired" you for the comment above.
                          Examples of qualifying reasons are:

                          * You were laid off due to lack of work.
                          * You are still working but the employer reduced your hours. (Your reduction in hours must not be because of a disciplinary action.)
                          * You were fired without work-related misconduct. Examples of misconduct are a violation of company policy; violation of law; neglect or mismanagement of your position; or failure to perform your work acceptably if you are capable of doing so.
                          * You quit your job for a good well-documented work-related or medical reason. You should be prepared to present evidence that you tried to correct the problem before you quit. TWC may rule good cause if the work situation would cause a person who truly wants to keep the job to leave it.
                          o Examples of possible good cause are unsafe working conditions or a significant change in hiring agreement, or not receiving payment for your work.
                          o Examples of medical reasons are quitting on your doctor's advice, or quitting to provide care for a minor child who has a medically verifiable illness if there is no alternative care provider, or quitting to provide care for a terminally ill spouse if there is no alternative care provider. (Note: To receive benefits, you must meet the ongoing availability requirements detailed below.)
                          * You quit to protect yourself from family violence or stalking, evidenced by an active or recently issued protective order, a police record documenting family violence or stalking directed against you, or medical documentation of family violence against you.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Chas_svo View Post
                            I've never heard of anyone quitting a job and getting unemployment. Smells like b.s. unless they "fired" you for the comment above.
                            I don't know you and couldn't give less of a fuck about what it smells like to you. And why would I lie about getting unemployment like it was something to brag about? LOL
                            Last edited by Pro88LX; 02-06-2013, 04:57 PM. Reason: left out "to"


                            • #29
                              lol fo reals


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
                                lol fo reals
                                you dogg, i quit my job to make 1/3 of my take home on unemployment!

                                fucking idiot

