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Thieves struck again

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  • #31
    SEB, sorry about that crap. Thieves are one of the lowest forms of life. I really respect the way you are taking care of yourself like a man and not sitting on a couch, getting a welfare check like half the lowlives nowadays. I know mowing yards is hard work and there isn't much profit in it, as I had to do some of it when I was out of work. Keep plugging away and things will turn around for you.


    • #32
      I have a craftsman riding mower you can borrow until you get another one. It´s either a 48 or a 52 I cant remember. Looks like this


      • #33
        That sucks man I hope karma catches up to them.


        • #34
          that sucks! i use to back my truck up to a tree or the house so they couldn't get the tail gate down


          • #35
            Originally posted by SEB View Post
            Loaded up my Equipment last night for work today to wake up to all my shit gone. Lucky that I put my Echo Backpack Blower & Stihl Hedge Trimmers up on the porch or that would be gone. Lost a nice Rear Wheel Drive 22inch Craftsmen mower that I just got done yesterday paying $45 to have tuned up just two lose it today. Also lost to Stihl Weedeaters and a 8ft Alum Ladder & rake

            Im so on the fence right now on doing this lawn business thing. Gas is going up & the cost to keep equipment running & with gas going up I go through a easy $20 a day in fuel between my truck & the mowers & weedeaters & Blowers & Hedge Trimmers. But most of all I work DAMN HARD for my money & I mean HARD! I sweat my ass off & my back kills me running the weed eaters to edge up sidewalks & driveways & I dont make alot doing what I do after paying my exspenes. But theifs dont care. All they care about it ripping someone off & they dont think the pain they are creating. I am doing my best to make a living in this already hard ass econmey & now this. I feel like just crying right now im so MAD! I wish & pray that I find out who took my stuff. I swear I would beat the living fucking hell out the guys who took my tools I use to make a living those sorry motherfuckers. Sorry I just really needed to vent
            Welcome to Chicago/ Mexico


            • #36
              Sorry to hear man, it sucks. My uncle just got his house broke into and ransacked. Busted out his back glass, stole all of his small electronics, jewelry, etc. Just yesterday I had my mustang GT setting out by the road with the top down, for sale. Two young guys that I have never seen before jumped out of the car with backpacks on and started walking toward it. I was already headed out there and when they saw me, they did an about face, looked around my trash box for a few seconds, then got in the car and left. I don't know what they were doing, but they sure left in a hurry, might have been out to grab my CD player and figured since the top was down, it would be an easy score.


              • #37
                Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                Going forward, realistically it's probably a lot quicker to leave stuff loaded. Is building a shed/or something possible? Just pull your truck in, lock it and rest?

                This sounds like a really good idea. Wouldn't waste time with a fence, but a small closed building would be the way to go. I'm sure that would cost a pretty penny though. Use one of these style locks to keep it secured. Bolt cutters are cheap and available any where.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by JC316 View Post
                  Sorry to hear man, it sucks. My uncle just got his house broke into and ransacked. Busted out his back glass, stole all of his small electronics, jewelry, etc. Just yesterday I had my mustang GT setting out by the road with the top down, for sale. Two young guys that I have never seen before jumped out of the car with backpacks on and started walking toward it. I was already headed out there and when they saw me, they did an about face, looked around my trash box for a few seconds, then got in the car and left. I don't know what they were doing, but they sure left in a hurry, might have been out to grab my CD player and figured since the top was down, it would be an easy score.
                  Man that sucks about your Uncles house. Makes me feel better a little knowing it could always be worse. But yeah im burning up right now. I just forked out $160 for a RWD Mower to replace the mower that was stolen & man it really got me fired back up when I had to come off the $160. I have to mow 6 yards to make that after exspenses & its about 6 hours of work. I catch myself eyeballing every car that pass's by now. I know its someone from this area.
                  GOD BLESS TEXAS
                  August Landscaping
                  Seb's high class.
                  He'll mow your grass.
                  He'll kick your ass.
                  And while his kidney stones pass,
                  He'll piss in a glass!


                  • #39
                    I want to say Thank You to a OVERWHELMING RESPONSE FROM THE BOARD! I have prolly had over $1000 in money & equipment offered to me with half being money. As much as it sucks, I cant bring myself to accept anyones help as long as I am walking and able to work. I dont want to cross that line in my mind. I dont think there is anything wrong with accepting help from friends & family, But I dont feel I deserve it & need to learn my lesson for not taking the extra time to put my equipment up last night. I want to let this burn in & embrace this pain & anger to remind me next time no matter how tired I am that its my resposbilty to put my equipment up no matter how tired I might be.

                    I am OVERCOME WITH EMOTION from this whole expierence. The anger of it all & being mad at the world & every person who drives by that I think looks like a theif. Then I think to myself. Be angry is a waste of time & energy & to focus that anger in to motovation. The other side of this emotion is I really didnt know how much I was cared for & that I really have some TRUE FRIENDS here on this Board & I consider you guys my family & I will always be here for you guys if you ever need a strong hand! I dont have alot of money, But I have me & my time to offer.

                    Thanks guys! Mad love to this Board
                    GOD BLESS TEXAS
                    August Landscaping
                    Seb's high class.
                    He'll mow your grass.
                    He'll kick your ass.
                    And while his kidney stones pass,
                    He'll piss in a glass!


                    • #40
                      That sucks SEB. Keep your head up bro spring is just around the corner and hopefully you'll have enough business to forget about this crap.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by SEB View Post
                        I want to say Thank You to a OVERWHELMING RESPONSE FROM THE BOARD! I have prolly had over $1000 in money & equipment offered to me with half being money. As much as it sucks, I cant bring myself to accept anyones help as long as I am walking and able to work. I dont want to cross that line in my mind. I dont think there is anything wrong with accepting help from friends & family, But I dont feel I deserve it & need to learn my lesson for not taking the extra time to put my equipment up last night. I want to let this burn in & embrace this pain & anger to remind me next time no matter how tired I am that its my resposbilty to put my equipment up no matter how tired I might be.

                        I am OVERCOME WITH EMOTION from this whole expierence. The anger of it all & being mad at the world & every person who drives by that I think looks like a theif. Then I think to myself. Be angry is a waste of time & energy & to focus that anger in to motovation. The other side of this emotion is I really didnt know how much I was cared for & that I really have some TRUE FRIENDS here on this Board & I consider you guys my family & I will always be here for you guys if you ever need a strong hand! I dont have alot of money, But I have me & my time to offer.

                        Thanks guys! Mad love to this Board
                        My respect-o-meter just blew up! Great post man.


                        • #42
                          Nothing wrong with taking a little help man. If you decide you want a little help it's here. but I respect your decisions so far. Best of luck!


                          • #43
                            PM sent and my offer stands for a while if you change your mind. If it would make you feel better, you can pull one weed from the flower bed and we will call it a fair trade. Don't be a bitch, thats what "The family" is for.
                            Whos your Daddy?


                            • #44
                              Just chain up a dog with cropped ears to your truck when you get home.


                              • #45
                                While I'm sorry to hear you got jacked, it is heart warming to see the silver lining come out of it.

                                Now, want a chance at some serious revenge action?

                                Go buy a new badass mower. Don't even use it. Just stick it on the trailer and keep the receipt (you'll be returning it, though it may have some blood on it when you're done). Then go get one of these and hide it somewhere on the new mower:

                                Then go all Death Wish on those mother fuckers.

