When I worked at Chili's in San Antonio, groups from a pretty well known mega church in the area would come in juuuuuuuust before closing almost every Sunday. They'd come in and request seating for groups just under the automatic gratuity party number, but all wanted to be seated in the same section. Week after fucking week, they'd stay until hours after our posted closing time, and we MIGHT see a couple bucks per table....if they were feeling generous. We finally got to the point where we would refuse to take their tables without an automatic gratuity and they quit coming in.
That........... is ridiculous. I would have gone to the news with that.
Waited and bartended at chili's for 4 years when I was younger. One of the best times of my life after work. During work was miserable some nights simply because of morons like this. You pay for goods and SERVICES. Almost got fired several times just for calling cheap people out.
You realize this is a common practice for tables of eight or more at pretty much every restaurant since the dawn of time, right?
I do, but my comment still stands. Automatically charging a tip removes the incentive for waitstaff to give the usual service that warrants getting a tip.
You sound lonely and bitter, maybe you should look her/them up, she/they may give you a pity fuck.
Yea, that sounds about right.
Probably better than the std infested lot lizards you deal with though. I can imagine the tips must be small at waffle house for a party of fat anyways.
Probably better than the std infested lot lizards you deal with though. I can imagine the tips must be small at waffle house for a party of fat anyways.
Been happily married for 17 years, but keep telling yourself that if it makes your loneliness more bearable.
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.