Originally posted by mikec
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Originally posted by US code
Who the hell are you to accept an apology that has absolutely nothing to do with you? You ride coat tails, you stir up shit. That's really about all the value you have on this website.
What level is that Sean? The one in which I say "fuck you", and then you go off below the belt? Would a return "fuck you too" not have sufficed?
On the last, no, it's not. My ride, at the time, was a ten speed that had been stolen two days before, and I was miles from home at about midnight. I was stuck. There was no other option.
Your moral code is on display, right here in this thread. And I assure you, as an old person, it's not one that is desirable.
Going to try and make this my last post in this thread, in which I tried to help someone else out (at their request), and ended up getting fucked in the ass by a shit bag like you.
Jen, you are right, it was a stretch. I have my reasons (aside from those listed in this thread) for my distaste for pedophiles and that fucked me.
Actually what fucked me is people who gather their sense of self worth by belittling and attacking others...
Originally posted by Chili
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