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  • #31
    Originally posted by MILK View Post
    Speak Engrish fucker!!
    It was an attempt at intellectual humor at MM2000's expense...I figured that since he was an ace boon-coon, grade A paramedic with "extensive medical background", that he would know a bit of biochemistry too!

    But, what I described was how alcohol works in the CNS. Alcohol binds to a receptor in the CNS called GABA-a...which is the primary inhibitory receptor in the CNS. When alcohol (and benzos) binds to this receptor, chloride ions are allowed to flow through the ion channel across cell membranes of neurons...this effectively hyperpolarizes the cell membrane which makes it harder for action potential firing and nerve, you have decreased, CNS suppressant. Better?


    • #32
      Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
      It was an attempt at intellectual humor at MM2000's expense...I figured that since he was an ace boon-coon, grade A paramedic with "extensive medical background", that he would know a bit of biochemistry too!

      But, what I described was how alcohol works in the CNS. Alcohol binds to a receptor in the CNS called GABA-a...which is the primary inhibitory receptor in the CNS. When alcohol (and benzos) binds to this receptor, chloride ions are allowed to flow through the ion channel across cell membranes of neurons...this effectively hyperpolarizes the cell membrane which makes it harder for action potential firing and nerve, you have decreased, CNS suppressant. Better?
      Out of all people, you shouldn't be the one to bash paramedics. With the limited knowledge that they have, they're able to keep people alive long enough for doctors to take over.

      If it wasn't for them, you'd have a hospital full of hypochondriacs.
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #33
        Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
        It was an attempt at intellectual humor at MM2000's expense...I figured that since he was an ace boon-coon, grade A paramedic with "extensive medical background", that he would know a bit of biochemistry too!

        But, what I described was how alcohol works in the CNS. Alcohol binds to a receptor in the CNS called GABA-a...which is the primary inhibitory receptor in the CNS. When alcohol (and benzos) binds to this receptor, chloride ions are allowed to flow through the ion channel across cell membranes of neurons...this effectively hyperpolarizes the cell membrane which makes it harder for action potential firing and nerve, you have decreased, CNS suppressant. Better?

        So now I have fucked up neurons... GREAT!!!! LMAO!!


        • #34
          Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
          Out of all people, you shouldn't be the one to bash paramedics. With the limited knowledge that they have, they're able to keep people alive long enough for doctors to take over.

          If it wasn't for them, you'd have a hospital full of hypochondriacs.
          I dont bash paramedics...just this one. Heck, two of my best friends are medics. Even they cringe when they read the shit I show them that he posts in here.


          • #35
            Originally posted by MILK View Post
            So now I have fucked up neurons... GREAT!!!! LMAO!!
            You obviously know that alcohol's effects are


            • #36
              Hakuna Matata


              • #37
                just go see your family doctor and tell him/her wtf is going on. I went thru this about 8 years ago with major anxiety issues. Had all the symptoms of a heart attack and what not. After tests and blood work we realized I was in need of some meds. zoloft saved my life and worked great. Took it for about 3 years, now I don't need it (knock on wood) and haven't taken it since 2006. I would think the fact that it doesn't bother you at all when playing in a band just helps to prove its mental and not physical. My attacks very rarely happened when I was doing something I enjoyed. More often than not they hit while I had down time to think about it, which made them even worse. Get a yearly physical if your not already and see your doctor about your problem. Good luck man anxiety is a bitch.

                Side note, ALL of this happened to me about 3 months after I stopped smoking weed, and thats no shit.


                • #38
                  Go see a therapist if your finances allow it, unfucking your poor thought processes which led to your anxiety can be a very effective long-term solution while using pills in the short term. Or just get a job and most it might clear up by itself


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
                    Go see a therapist if your finances allow it, unfucking your poor thought processes which led to your anxiety can be a very effective long-term solution while using pills in the short term. Or just get a job and most it might clear up by itself
                    x2 on reprogramming your shit!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by bpawl View Post
                      just go see your family doctor and tell him/her wtf is going on. I went thru this about 8 years ago with major anxiety issues. Had all the symptoms of a heart attack and what not. After tests and blood work we realized I was in need of some meds. zoloft saved my life and worked great. Took it for about 3 years, now I don't need it (knock on wood) and haven't taken it since 2006. I would think the fact that it doesn't bother you at all when playing in a band just helps to prove its mental and not physical. My attacks very rarely happened when I was doing something I enjoyed. More often than not they hit while I had down time to think about it, which made them even worse. Get a yearly physical if your not already and see your doctor about your problem. Good luck man anxiety is a bitch.

                      Side note, ALL of this happened to me about 3 months after I stopped smoking weed, and thats no shit.
                      But weed has no side effects, is not addictive, and doesn't have any negative effects on your body.


                      • #41
                        I finally broke down and went to a Doctor. He got me on some good meds and I have not been this happy in quite some time. If you decide to go, be patient, it wil take a while to see what meds work best for you. I tried four different kinds before I got the special coctail. Good luck and hang in there.
                        See you later...


                        • #42
                          Everyone says medicate it, I have always looked for another way. For the most part I am in control, but my wife knows not to ask me to go to walmart at certain times or other places with dense crowds. I tend to flip my shit trying to find an exit or become an asshole when I feel it coming on. Alcohol does help, but I cant have a beer in wally world.


                          • #43
                            Yeah...I do the occassional welbutrin (sp?) for a few days at a time. I get all spun up and can't focus at work with large project - it helps me focus for whatever reason.

                            I hate taking a drug for that, works.
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Denny View Post
                              x2 on reprogramming your shit!

                              Yeah...and that worked out really well for Alex...


                              • #45
                                I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder a few months back and have been on Lexapro since. I did a bunch of research after being diagnosed and couldn't believe how much the symptoms fit me to a T. I have been dealing with it as normal since childhood. I am on the minimum doseage but it has already done wonders for me. I am much more relaxed, calm, balanced. I have been able to get over some of the hurdles that faced me in every day life. It has been great. I do think I may need to start looking at bumping up the doseage a bit now that I have been on it for a few months as it seems it is losing some effect.

