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  • Tim,
    I have zero disdain for you. I have stated a hundred times why I give you shit...pretentiousness. I will continue to call you out on your medical advice when it is outside your scope of practice...that you have been out of for over 8yrs. And, the respect you so seek on here is lost with your histrionic alcoholic posts. And, the above post is somewhat correct...I understand your personality disorder and what flips your switch...and sometimes I just cant help myself but flip it. Youre a pretty cool cat when youre sober...youve proved that you are not going to stop abusing your body with least give us the courtesy of not posting when you choose to do so. I seriously hope you get this bad habit kicked...before it kicks you.


    • Originally posted by txsr20de View Post
      Well, just as is the case with JKD, then only reason Dr. Dave continues to do so is because you always get upset. If you stopped reacting, it would likely be a non issue.

      And for God's sake, shut down your computer when you start drinking. The perpetual drunken defensive rants are exactly the reaction people are shooting for.

      It has gotten to the point where I can look at your posts, and based on the time stamp, know with relative certainty whether you are drunk posting or not. After 12:00am, they will most likely be a drunken rant.

      The fact that you repeatedly label yourself as an alcoholic and a drunk, then continue to make crazy drunk posts doesn't help the situation.

      I don't know you personally, but based solely on your posts here, you should definitely seek help in dealing with your alcoholism.

      (Don't take my comments the wrong way, in no way am I judging you or talking down to you. I am a recovering alcoholic myself, so I know firsthand how difficult it can be to stop.)

      Find a meeting.
      I appreciate the decency you've extended towards me in this post. I will take note of it.

      - Tim
      Last edited by LS1Goat; 01-08-2011, 07:55 AM.


      • Would you two just fuck and get it over with?!


        • Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
          I have zero disdain for you. I have stated a hundred times why I give you shit...pretentiousness. I will continue to call you out on your medical advice when it is outside your scope of practice...that you have been out of for over 8yrs. And, the respect you so seek on here is lost with your histrionic alcoholic posts. And, the above post is somewhat correct...I understand your personality disorder and what flips your switch...and sometimes I just cant help myself but flip it. Youre a pretty cool cat when youre sober...youve proved that you are not going to stop abusing your body with least give us the courtesy of not posting when you choose to do so. I seriously hope you get this bad habit kicked...before it kicks you.

          In regards to GAD/Panic Disorder/ answers are based upon what I learned during my Psych clinical rotations at Parkland. Also, the many patients I have dealt in the past when I come across these this information while obtaining a history.

          Is my advice regarding this topic exceeding the technical scope of my training, yes. Does it mean I have no knowledge of it, no.

          2/3 of people that I dealt with (with my clinical Psych M.D.. or whomever it was that particular day) conveyed that many people have a genetic pre-disposition of depression/GAD/Panic Disorder based on complex issues regarding Serotonin or any abnormality 5-HT. This is something that is discussed during these clinical rotations and in class as an (extra bit of learning info). Some people find a therapeutic pathway to simple Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy. Some people simply have a chemical imbalance that requires the use of drugs such as SSRIs, Benzos, MAOIs, etc... My information is not wrong. And if it is, then there are a couple of M.D.'s and former instructors out there that threw me under the bus. And I wasted a lot of money and time. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment of pause and really discern if what I am saying to another member is really that inept. I can't fight a war of knowledge against you. No desire to. However, since I respect you and your knowledge well enough to share personal information in the past, I ask that you extend me the same courtesy.

          And the only time someone can push my buttons, if you will, is when I'm inebriated. Sobriety for me brings upon a viewpoint of estrangement. This is an ability that I do not possess after half a bottle of Vodka. I become an emotional fuck up. Feel free to laugh at that remark as I'm sure others will. Whatever helps people sleep at night.

          Just one last tip for you: When you go to a good EMS program. You get taught a lot of things outside of what your Standards of Practice would ever let us do in the back of the box under the law. We had a lot of guest speakers, M.D.s, Our Medical Director, seasoned Nurses, Burn specialists, etc.... And having to test off for special credit things like the Pharmacokinetics/Pharacodynamics of a particular drug. Bio availability of said drug, etc... And these are also required testing points to pass ACLS for any drug we would use during a Mega Code or Coma Cocktail. As we have to have an indication/contraindication/side effect profile understanding of just about every drug that we carry in our Ambulance. Just a little point to ponder. We don't scoop people up off the street and run like in old movies, except in Trauma. On medical calls, we actually practice medicine under our SOP.Paramedicine by definition means (By or beside the Physician or Medical Director). At least that's how I was taught. If something is changed, then I don't know.

          - Tim


          • Mustangman just don't post when you're drunk. I can tolerate you when your sober. I've had to bite my tounge when I see your rants. Dude, get some help. I've got a booklet with locations if you need to know where to go.
            Originally posted by talisman
            I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
            Originally posted by AdamLX
            If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny
            Because fuck you, that's why
            Originally posted by 80coupe
            nice dick, Idrivea4banger
            Originally posted by Rick Modena
            ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
            Originally posted by Jester
            Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


            • Originally posted by idrivea4banger View Post
              Mustangman just don't post when you're drunk. I can tolerate you when your sober. I've had to bite my tounge when I see your rants. Dude, get some help. I've got a booklet with locations if you need to know where to go.

              Including this one, my last three post have been made completely sober

              I think they were quite fair and cogent at explaining my point of view and in defense of my position. The ones made prior I was quite inebriated. Those in particular were indeed a waste of time.


              • Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post

                Including this one, my last three post have been made completely sober

                I think they were quite fair and cogent at explaining my point of view and in defense of my position. The ones made prior I was quite inebriated. Those in particular were indeed a waste of time.
                No,no, no. Not those. It's the other posts at nightfall that are the ones I speak of.
                Originally posted by talisman
                I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                Originally posted by AdamLX
                If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                Because fuck you, that's why
                Originally posted by 80coupe
                nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                Originally posted by Rick Modena
                ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                Originally posted by Jester
                Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                • Originally posted by MILK View Post
                  Thats the first thing that came to mind when reading the docs post!! LOL!!
                  Lol, me too!!


                  • Originally posted by Denny View Post
                    Would you two just fuck and get it over with?!

                    Also, I'm lol'ing at the tags. However, I do NOT have chili in my taco.
                    Token Split Tail

                    Originally posted by slow99
           favorite female poster strikes again.
                    Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                    You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.

