Consult a physician or Psychiatrist. He/She can prescribe you SSRI Anti-depressants or Benzodiazepines to help treat your anxiety disorder. Benzos are intended for short term use because of their highly addictive nature. As they are a short half life drug, with the exception of certain Benzos like Valium. A SSRI taken on a daily basis will help tremendously at reducing your anxiety disorder/panic disorder/social anxiety disorder. That is because the same neurological condition that is responsible for depression is usually the culprit for anxiety disorder. And that is a how rapidly metabolized of serotonin/norepinephrine in the synapse. And this can be hard wired based on genetic predisposition and pharmacological treatment is necessary, sometimes on a lifetime basis.
I'm in the same boat. I'm about to move back to the Austin area (Buda) and am hoping that that positive environment with close friends will kick me out of this funk I've been in. Had a 2 hour long convo with my parents this evening and it has me on this "high" of positivity. Best of luck to ya' man. Just remember that no matter how bad things're not badass2000gt.
"Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson
Kudos to you. did you get the handicapped placard first so you get all the cool parking spaces?
No. I wear glasses or contacts at all times. The only time I've used a handicapped sign for parking was at blockbuster after I had bought my grandpa's ranger that he left the hangy-thing handicapped deal in his glovebox. Felt bad when I got back to my car, so I tossed it.
"Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson