My truck is in the shop and they gave me this to drive. I usually warm the truck up in the mornings so it will be warm when I get in. How the hell do you warm a Prius up??
My truck is in the shop and they gave me this to drive. I usually warm the truck up in the mornings so it will be warm when I get in. How the hell do you warm a Prius up??
My truck is in the shop and they gave me this to drive. I usually warm the truck up in the mornings so it will be warm when I get in. How the hell do you warm a Prius up??
It don't start, lol. Does the battery heat the heater? Nope. Can't even get the vents to blow air till the car warms up some. Then the fan will gradually in increments start going higher as the car warms up.
When you start the fucker. It does not make any noise what so ever. You put it in gear. You feel nothing. At least not till you press the gas pedal.
I will say knocking off 40- 50 mpg cruising down the hwy is pretty killer. When they made me check it for damage, I said there was some. They as where? I said all over the car, it got hit by UGLY..........everywhere.