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Thoughts on ex police cars? Crown-vics

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  • Thoughts on ex police cars? Crown-vics

    Thinking about a cash car. I have always liked the 98 and up Crown Vics. I'd love to have a CV LX or a Marauder, but not looking to spend that much. All I care is that its solid black.

    What are the thoughts on these? I'd like to remove the pushbar and go with some different rims, but no ghetto-gangsta-thug look.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Frank View Post
    Thinking about a cash car. I have always liked the 98 and up Crown Vics. I'd love to have a CV LX or a Marauder, but not looking to spend that much. All I care is that its solid black.

    What are the thoughts on these? I'd like to remove the pushbar and go with some different rims, but no ghetto-gangsta-thug look.
    Auction in north Fort Worth in the next week or so, they always have some there. I would roll one.


    • #3

      they are straight DONK
      Last edited by 78X; 01-06-2011, 09:39 PM.


      • #4
        I think all the brothers are going to beat you to them.


        • #5
          I am totally puzzled by the whole food products themes these hard thugs are sporting. Is it that they secretly wish they could race in NASCAR?


          • #6
            Run dont walk away from an ex squad.
            Whos your Daddy?


            • #7
              i dont know if i would buy one, have you seen how the PD's run those cars to the ground?

              Originally posted by DOHCTR
              You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


              • #8
                rode hard and put up wet.


                • #9
                  I had a black on black Grand Marquis as a rental car in Daytona Florida last year and that thing drove nice! It impressed me! I don't know if I'd buy one, but I damn-sure wouldn't blame you for buying one for the right price! I'd look into an early 2000's Grand Marquis with low-miles. It would almost certainly be an elderly-owned car that was maintained.


                  • #10
                    can the back doors be opened from the inside?
                    95 Rio Red Cobra#3881



                    • #11
                      Seems to me they would be driven as hard as any fox body around. Besides the fact that I prefer black, I also figure the black cars were not used as much in patrol and pursuits.

                      I'm not kidding myself on what one of these cars has likely been through, but I'm only talking a car for < $3500.


                      • #12
                        Them ol vics are tough cars. My Charger is a piece of shit... I see no prob with you snaggin a vic for a cash car. When chargers become more available, stay AWAY! Mines in the dodge house now for a mystery check engine light, another for lifter replacement, and a 3rd for a blown engine due to a rod growing wings... My first patrol vehicle was the oldest vic we had, it do Juuuuust fine. I had to take it in for oil and new tires.


                        • #13
                          Oh, and chargers have a fly by wire throttle setup mated to a POS mercedes transmission... They are turds. 3 point turns are a all day affair. ok, im done. I need to stop ranting.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SSMAN View Post
                            I think all the brothers are going to beat you to them.
                            "So this is what it's like to be in the front seat."
                            "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                              Oh, and chargers have a fly by wire throttle setup mated to a POS mercedes transmission... They are turds. 3 point turns are a all day affair. ok, im done. I need to stop ranting.
                              Yeah but they got a HEMI!!!!!!!!!!

