Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.
Looks like it might be a bit cold on sunday so I would say to bundle up and wear something that can get dirty. I'll have the boat out of the way and some of it cleaned up and some ready to come out. I figure we will need about 6 people to get it out of the truck minimum. I know some of you guys said you could help. Ill make some calls tonight to sure up plans.
Thanks in advance for the help guys.
Head count so far
Eric (probably will just watch)
I can give you guys a hand. Shoot me a text if you need an extra person.
Originally posted by Broncojohnny
Would you like your reparations in 5.56mm or 7.62mm?
Ok, boat is moved, started cleaning out the back of the van, and I will be cleaning it up again early in the morning. For those coming by to help I'd like you all to be here by noon, but if you want to come by earlier then bring it.
I recondition headlights on most cars for $50.00. If interested shoot me a pm.