I can handle minor fuck ups like that. You should see some of the emails or performance reviews for transfers from other managers that come across my desk. They make Relinquished look like Shakespeare.
Ha, I can imagine. I published 2500 pages last year, essentially without a proofreader, so I have to stay diligent.
Originally posted by davbrucas
I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.
I did a ctrl+F for "it's" and that did not show up. C/P from the article and do the same, and it does get hit on the search. WTF character are they using for an apostrophe, b/c it's not the same one my keyboard is using
I did a ctrl+F for "it's" and that did not show up. C/P from the article and do the same, and it does get hit on the search. WTF character are they using for an apostrophe, b/c it's not the same one my keyboard is using