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Those with boys... turtleneck, or no turtleneck?

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by UserX View Post
    Didn't mean to get you all fired up
    Shit. This is nothing compared to the parenting debate boards back in the day on AOL....there were entire boards dedicated to debates for circumcision, vaccinations, breast feeding vs bottle feeding, cloth diapering, natural child birth...DFWMs at its worst has absolutely nothing on hoards of hormonal pregnant women.

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  • UserX
    Didn't mean to get you all fired up

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  • Jester
    here is an easy fix STOP CUTTING THE FUCKING TIP OF YOUR KID'S DICK OFF! sadistic fucks!

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post

    It aint 1998 anymore...
    And it's still a common occurrence.
    One of the hardest parts of the decision to circumcise is accepting that the procedure can be painful. In the past, it wasn't common to provide pain relief. But the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends it and studies show that infants undergoing circumcision benefit from anesthesia, so most doctors now use it. But because this is a fairly new standard of care, it's important to ask your doctor ahead of time what, if any, pain relief your son will receive.
    No Anesthesia is an option that some parents use. Some babies do not appear to get pain relief from anesthetics. Administration of anesthetics can be painful. In addition, there are some risks. Other comfort measures are available such as talking in a smooth tone, rubbing the baby’s head and snuggling and feeding afterwards.
    Last edited by Treasure Chest; 12-30-2012, 04:20 AM.

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  • 8mpg
    Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
    You realize that in 1998, it was common practice to circumcise boys without anesthetic, right? You also realize that they didn't ASK for my decision beforehand, they just handed me my circumcised son and asked me to sign the permission slip for his circumcision, which I refused to do, right? You're also familiar with the lawsuit I brought before them AND the settlement that followed, aren't you? I'm sure you're privy to the knowledge that because of the shit I started, the hospital where my son was born now fully informs every parent before assuming they want their child circumcised....but I'm the dumb bitch.

    It aint 1998 anymore...

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
    If its one thing I have learned it is you wont ever convince a woman she is wrong. So, I want you to realize you are fucking evil to have had your son circumcised without anesthetic ya dumb bitch.
    You realize that in 1998, it was common practice to circumcise boys without anesthetic, right? You also realize that they didn't ASK for my decision beforehand, they just handed me my circumcised son and asked me to sign the permission slip for his circumcision, which I refused to do, right? You're also familiar with the lawsuit I brought before them AND the settlement that followed, aren't you? I'm sure you're privy to the knowledge that because of the shit I started, the hospital where my son was born now fully informs every parent before assuming they want their child circumcised....but I'm the dumb bitch.

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  • 8mpg
    Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
    Considering that I've had more dealings with uncircumcised penises than you have, it seems that I have a bit more experience on the subject. You still use soap and water on both, the only difference is teaching the child to retract his foreskin. OMG! That's so difficult to do! However do they work that into their showering routine?!?
    I can guaranfuckingty that if you're only letting water his your circumcised penis and you're not cleaning it properly, you probably have more smegma built up than a man with a properly cleaned penis--circumcised or intact.
    If its one thing I have learned it is you wont ever convince a woman she is wrong. So, I want you to realize you are fucking evil to have had your son circumcised without anesthetic ya dumb bitch.

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  • Jester
    pull the fucking skin back and clean your fucking dick! it is simple,and it feels good!

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  • The King
    She just posted "smegma".......

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
    Considering that I've had more dealings with uncircumcised penises than you have,

    Lets not immediately start jumping to conclusions.

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  • Treasure Chest
    Originally posted by akfodysvn View Post
    Do you have a dick? A circumcised penis takes no care other than letting water hit it in the shower... I'm not uncut, but from what has been said by those w/ the anteater they tend to have to be more careful with the hygiene.
    Considering that I've had more dealings with uncircumcised penises than you have, it seems that I have a bit more experience on the subject. You still use soap and water on both, the only difference is teaching the child to retract his foreskin. OMG! That's so difficult to do! However do they work that into their showering routine?!?
    I can guaranfuckingty that if you're only letting water his your circumcised penis and you're not cleaning it properly, you probably have more smegma built up than a man with a properly cleaned penis--circumcised or intact.

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  • racrguy
    Originally posted by akfodysvn View Post
    Do you have a dick? A circumcised penis takes no care other than letting water hit it in the shower... I'm not uncut, but from what has been said by those w/ the anteater they tend to have to be more careful with the hygiene.

    Exactly, it's not bad and often many don't cry or even flinch the slightest amount. I saw my fair share, lidocaine is cheap and readily available. It would be the responsibility of the parent to make sure it's done properly with medication... pay the $100 if your insurance doesn't cover the med. Don't be a dipshit parent and let it be done w/out meds... just shows you're a dipshit parent in the first place.

    Good lord you are either gullible or dumb. Were these studies peer reviewed? Do you even know what peer reviewed is? One study out there and you are on the bandwagon huh... You also probably believe the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy because you watched loose change the youtube documentary.

    Yep... but don't believe those in the medical background... keep reading the internet for the best advice. Talk to your docs prior and get multiple perspectives if you're concerned OP... this board is not the best place for advice lol

    GOOGLE man... look it up... the internet is TROOF!

    Base your decision on facts OP... talk to those in the medical field preferably doctors w/ first hand experience dealing w/ the pro's and cons of both. Your son will get pussy either way and I actually agree w/ the guy who talked about the insecurities of men... we all have some, but your son will be fine either way.
    You are one stupid motherfucker, ain't ya?

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  • akfodysvn
    Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
    Bad hygiene is bad hygiene, circumcised or not. Penile adhesion occurs in circumcised boys, too. A circumcised penis needs just as much care as its uncircumcised counterpart.
    Do you have a dick? A circumcised penis takes no care other than letting water hit it in the shower... I'm not uncut, but from what has been said by those w/ the anteater they tend to have to be more careful with the hygiene.

    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
    I have seen a few circumcisions done while I was in school...its not that bad. The boys cry when they get strapped onto the board and when they inject lidocaine. They usually stop crying during the procedure. Do you remember getting circumcised? Its much better as a newborn than as an adult
    Exactly, it's not bad and often many don't cry or even flinch the slightest amount. I saw my fair share, lidocaine is cheap and readily available. It would be the responsibility of the parent to make sure it's done properly with medication... pay the $100 if your insurance doesn't cover the med. Don't be a dipshit parent and let it be done w/out meds... just shows you're a dipshit parent in the first place.

    Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
    Studies have shown that infant circumcision permanently affects the brain. Circumcised males have a lower pain tolerance.
    Good lord you are either gullible or dumb. Were these studies peer reviewed? Do you even know what peer reviewed is? One study out there and you are on the bandwagon huh... You also probably believe the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy because you watched loose change the youtube documentary.

    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
    Sounds like a load of bullshit to me.. Im guessing a single study showed a slight correlation with a very small sample size. Lots of study are shit. There was a study recently stating propranolol reduces racism... Yeah right
    Yep... but don't believe those in the medical background... keep reading the internet for the best advice. Talk to your docs prior and get multiple perspectives if you're concerned OP... this board is not the best place for advice lol

    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
    I highly doubt any insurance company will deny local anesthetic like lidocaine for a procedure. Its generic and a cheap medication. Where are you getting your research studies at? They sound like complete bullshit to me. All the circumcisions I saw in school (10-12) used lidocaine to numb the skin like they do when you get sutures.
    GOOGLE man... look it up... the internet is TROOF!

    Base your decision on facts OP... talk to those in the medical field preferably doctors w/ first hand experience dealing w/ the pro's and cons of both. Your son will get pussy either way and I actually agree w/ the guy who talked about the insecurities of men... we all have some, but your son will be fine either way.

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  • Ruffdaddy
    Originally posted by 4.6coupe View Post
    Is it cold outside?! Depends.
    So your dick has articulating digits?

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  • 4.6coupe
    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
    Walk around with a coat on, pull one sleeve over your hand, leave the other pulled back and try to do things. See which you prefer.
    Is it cold outside?! Depends.

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