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Those with boys... turtleneck, or no turtleneck?

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  • Those with boys... turtleneck, or no turtleneck?

    My wife and I are expecting our first kid in May, and it's a boy. We've started having the discussion about circumcision.

    When I was born almost 40 years ago, damn near everyone in the US did it. These days, the percentages keep declining. Some are very against it, claiming it's mutilating your child. There are some medical benefits to doing it, but even some dismiss those.

    We're not religious, so no reasons there. My parents had me cut. I wonder if my son would think anything if he was different than me?

    I would like to hear what led you to make the decision that you did with your kids. Thanks for the input.
    Both me & my son are cut
    My son is cut & I'm not
    I'm cut & my son is not
    Neither of us are cut

  • #2
    You're cut, get the kid cut.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
      You're cut, get the kid cut.
      That's my intial thought as well.


      • #4
        No reason not to.


        • #5
          Cut no matter what, no lady wants to stare at a carrot.


          • #6
            uncut and uncensored right here. never not once for even a second has it ever affected whether or not a girl would fuck it or suck it. not sure why you would mutilate a child to possibly please some dumb cunt that actually tells her friends she gives a shit when behind closed doors, she doesnt.
            it is an old ritual and there is no need for it.

            medical benefit? havent needed medical attention for it in 34 years...
            May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
            Semper Fi


            • #7
              99% of women ive talked to think uncut is nasty. For the kids sake down the road, id do it.


              • #8
                I have one son who is circumcised and one who is intact. The first had complications with his circumcision, so I fought to keep the youngest son intact. His father is circumcised. It's never been a big deal within the family or in the locker room. We've taught him proper hygiene. He's had less issues with his urinary tract being uncircumcised than his circumcised brother has. If I were to have another son, I would leave him intact. The foreskin serves a purpose in childhood and adulthood. If he opts for circumcision later in life, I will support the decision, and I will have no regrets in leaving that choice to him.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                  99% of women ive talked to think uncut is nasty. For the kids sake down the road, id do it.
                  lol they all say that. they all lie.
                  May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                  Semper Fi


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                    I have one son who is circumcised and one who is intact. The first had complications with his circumcision, so I fought to keep the youngest son intact. His father is circumcised. It's never been a big deal within the family or in the locker room. We've taught him proper hygiene. He's had less issues with his urinary tract being uncircumcised than his circumcised brother has. If I were to have another son, I would leave him intact. The foreskin serves a purpose in childhood and adulthood. If he opts for circumcision later in life, I will support the decision, and I will have no regrets in leaving that choice to him.
                    hot damn, a smart woman! you just get fuckin sexier by the day!!!!
                    May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                    Semper Fi


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jester View Post
                      lol they all say that. they all lie.
                      Any girl that would get with you wouldn't exactly be in a healthy state of mind anyways. lol


                      • #12
                        The Moyle cut my finger!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jester View Post
                          lol they all say that. they all lie.
                          thinking its nasty, and fucking it are not mutually exclusive.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jester View Post
                            they all lie.
                            Of course all women lie. I know chicks that will stop dead in their tracks if a dude is uncut. Not all of them are that way, but many do have issues with it.

                            OP - I have a close friend who is uncut. I'm more than happy to share the jokes we make to and about him. You know, because kids are cruel. So are asshole adult friends with nothing better to do. Lol
                            Originally posted by BradM
                            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                            Originally posted by Leah
                            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 90GT50 View Post
                              Any girl that would get with you wouldn't exactly be in a healthy state of mind anyways. lol
                              i dont care what state of mind they are in when i am balls deep.
                              May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                              Semper Fi

